Python Opencv Optimal Thresholding
Solution 1:
I suggest using the GRIP software to implement two image processing pipelines:
One that performs thresholding to find the center point and another to find all the other circles.
These pipelines can then be generated to Python OpenCV code and you can import them into your code (which I have already done for you).
Here is the center point pipeline:
It performs a simle HSV threshold followed by a find blob command
Here is the circle pipeline:
It performs a Laplacian transform (which is a one-sided Fourier Transform to detects the contrast changes which represent the edges of the circles), then Canny edge detection to find the edges of the circles, and then finds and filters the contours of the circles. To find the number of circle, you can divide the number of contours by 2 (inner and outer circle associated with each Laplacian ring)
Here is the link to download the GRIP software
Here is a link to all my files (including the auto-generated Python image processing pipeline)
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