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Dos2unix Not Working When Trying To Silence Command

I was calling dos2unix from within Python this way: call('dos2unix ' + file1, shell=True, stdout=PIPE) However to silence the Unix output, I did this: f_null = open(os.devnull, 'w

Solution 1:

Not sure, why but I would try to get rid of the "noise" around your command & check return code:

check_call(["dos2unix",file1], stdout=f_null , stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
  • pass as list of args, not command line (support for files with spaces in it!)
  • remove shell=True as dos2unix isn't a built-in shell command
  • use check_call so it raises an exception instead of failing silently

At any rate, it is possible that dos2unix detects that the output isn't a tty anymore and decides to dump the output in it instead (dos2unix can work from standard input & to standard output). I'd go with that explanation. You could check it by redirecting to a real file instead of os.devnull and check if the result is there.

But I would do a pure python solution instead (with a backup for safety), which is portable and doesn't need dos2unix command (so it works on Windows as well):

with open(file1,"rb") as f:
   contents ="\r\n",b"\n")
with open(file1+".bak","wb") as f:

reading the file fully is fast, but could choke on really big files. A line-by-line solution is also possible (still using the binary mode):

with open(file1,"rb") as fr, open(file1+".bak","wb") as fw:
   for l in fr:

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