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Error While Installing Tensorflow(AVX Support) And Cpuid Python

While I was trying to setup tensorflow (both, using venv and without it) on import I got the following error: ImportError: DLL load failed: A dynamic link library (DLL) initializa

Solution 1:

I've managed to resolve all the issues:

  1. Problem with cpuid and Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required:

VS BuildTools needed, I installed all the marked items but I found out later that apparently only Windows 10 SDK is needed.

enter image description here

Now cpuid worked fine and it showed (using the provided code in the question) that AVX and AVX2 are NOT supported on my CPU!

enter image description here

2 Problem with tensorflow:

Since AVX is not supported, installing this wheel will solve the problem (maybe newer is available). I have tensorflow==2.2.0 and it works perfectly.

Now tensorflow will import but with one warning

Warning Could not load dynamic library 'cudart64_101.dll'; dlerror: cudart64_101.dll not found

This is because, newer versions(I do not know specifics) of tensorflow packages comes with both CPU and GPU versions. And if you do not want GPU accelerations (like me) you can ignore the warning see this post for more info.

Now everything runs perfectly!

NOTE: Conda

if you are using anaconda make sure all versions of required packages (e.g. numpy, ...) are updated! Also I had some problems with https, copying this solved the issue.

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