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Difficulty Importing .dat File

I am somehow having difficulty reading in this file into python with pandas read_table function. This is my code: pd.read_

Solution 1:

Dont know about read_table, but you can read this file directly as follows:

import pandas as pd    

with open('/tmp/invest.dat','r') as f:
    next(f) # skip first row
    df = pd.DataFrame(l.rstrip().split() for l in f)



              0            1             2            3
0     17.749000   0.66007000    0.15122000   0.33150000
1     3.9480000   0.52889000    0.11523000   0.56233000
2     14.810000    3.7480300    0.57099000   0.12111000

The same can be obtained as follows:

df = pd.read_csv('/tmp/invest.dat', sep='\s+', header=None, skiprows=1)

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