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Django Admin And MongoDB, Possible At All?

I'm building a simple short URL service, ala bitly, for our company use. And I would like to use mongodb to store the data, but I will need some kind of simple interface to add/edi

Solution 1:

I have confirmed that django-nonrel project does support the admin interface. I did have a problem where the default SITE_ID was picked up as a number, which is not allowed as a primary key in MongoDB. I resolved this by setting:

SITE_ID = '4d421623b0207acdc500001d'

in my

I got the number by printing the id of the first site value in the collection through the shell.

I have not tested this extensively, but did register an admin for a Poll object and see it work.

Solution 2:

I have used django-nonrel with mongodb-engine and it works well. Django admin also works with standard model fields. But if you are using listfield and dictfield, you would need to do some hacking.

Solution 3:

I'm not positive, but django-nonrel and the mongodb backend may support the django admin nowadays... it might be worth looking into

Solution 4:

This is an old question but if someone happens to be facing the same problem today, I think his best bet would be It's a django-admin like interface for mongoDB. It knows how to guess/deal with relationships and works pretty much as the Django admin.

Solution 5:

django-nonrel is a fork of django and it hasn't been updated for over a year. django-mongonaut and django-mongoadmin are django packages and are probably a better fit.

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