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How To Shuffle A List With Gaussian Distribution

I want to simulate fault on a message (Eg: 1000010011 => 1010000011). Is there a way to implement this in Python? I tried the following, which works: import random a = '10111011

Solution 1:

c = lambda: random.gauss(0.5,0.1)

Solution 2:

The second argument of random.shuffle should be a callable, not a float. Try:

random.shuffle(b, lambda:random.gauss(0.5,0.1))

To cap in the interval from 0 to 1, you could use

random.shuffle(b, lambda: max(0.0, min(1.0, random.gauss(0.5,0.1))))

(Thanks @DSM)

If you're pedantic, the above capping actually includes 1.0, which would lead to an error in random.shuffle. You should in fact replace 1.0 by the largest float smaller than 1.0.

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