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Correct Add Site-packages Folder To Sublime Text 3 Sys.path

1. Summary I don't understand, how I can make, that global site-packages path will add to Sublime Text 3 sys.path in each Sublime Text 3 start. 2. Reason I want, that in Sublime T

Solution 1:

You can also do this using the following:

import site

# if outside of a sublime text plugin class
all_views = sublime.active_window().views()
# or if inside use the 'view' variable, skip to line 9 and change 
# all_views[0].settings to view.settings

if len(all_views) > 0:
    external_python_path = all_views[0].settings().get("external_python_path")

    sp = site.getsitepackages(external_python_path)
    sp = [x for x in sp if "site-packages" in x.lower()]

then in your Preferences.sublime-settings file, you add a key:value like

    "somekey": "somevalue",
    "external_python_path": "path_to_python folder excluding the python.exe"

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