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Google App Engine: Task_retry_limit Doesn't Work?

I have a Python GAE app. I want my tasks to stop running or just retry once if they fail. Right now, they run forever despite what my yaml file is telling them! Here is a queue.yam

Solution 1:

I had the same problem. The documentation and tooling in this area is lacking, but here's what I found:

  • The retry parameters have no effect in the development server. I tried lots of different combinations, but it was always just indefinite retries 30s apart. The parameters did take effect when I deployed to the production server.
  • I haven't found a way to disable all retries (other than by ensuring that my handler doesn't throw exceptions).
    • If task_retry_limit=0, then it still retries.
    • If task_retry_limit=0 and task_age_limit is set, then the queue.yaml is rejected with a message that task_retry_limit must be positive.
    • Similarly, it complains if task_age_limit=0.
    • If you set task_retry_limit=1 and task_age_limit=1s (apparently the minimum values), you still get one retry.
  • The minimum retry time is 20 seconds. If the delay specified by your configuration is les than 20, than it will just wait 20 seconds.
  • The time before the first retry is unpredictable; it seems to be randomly delayed by up to a minute. After that, the retries follow the configured schedule.

Solution 2:

I had the same problem, strangely it seems to start working fine after I left it as is for few hours... Perhaps there is some time needed for GAE to refresh??

Anyway, the settings worked for me are:

# configure the default queue
- name: default
  rate: 1/s
    # task will stop retrying ONLY when BOTH LIMITS ARE REACHED
    task_retry_limit: 1
    task_age_limit: 1s

Solution 3:

You should set task_retry_limit to be zero if you don't want it retried at all, and you need to use this in combination with task_age_limit. The appengine task queue retry logic uses a combination of task_try_limit and task_age_limit to determine when to stop retrying.

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