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Multithreaded Keyboard Detector For Linux And Windows

I would like to add a keyboard detection for Linux to my existing Keyboard Detector for Windows. So I used pyudev to create a LinuxKeyboardDetector. The script can be started and t

Solution 1:

According to this answer, you have to start the monitor before the Qt app event loop. In this case, you must not use a QRunnable at all, as the monitor will work as a standard QObject, working asynchronously and sending signals whenever required.

If you still want to keep the same interface, using QRunnable, I think that the only solution is to use the basic pyudev.MonitorObserver, instead of the dedicated pyqt version.

class LinuxKeyboardDetector(QRunnable):
    def __init__(self):
        self.signals = KeyboardDetectorSignals()
        self.context = pyudev.Context()
        self.monitor = pyudev.Monitor.from_netlink(self.context) = pyudev.MonitorObserver(self.monitor, self.process_device_event)

    def run(self):
        self.monitor.filter_by(subsystem="usb", device_type="usb_device")

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