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Conditional Shift: Subtract 'previous Row Value' From 'current Row Value' With Multiple Conditions In Pandas

I have the following dataframe: Disease HeartRate State MonthStart MonthEnd Covid 89 Texas 2020-02-28 2020-03-31 Covid 91 Te

Solution 1:

You may try something like this:

df['DiffHeartRate']=(df.groupby(['Disease', 'State', 
 .apply(lambda x: x.diff())).fillna(df.HeartRate)

    Disease HeartRate   State   MonthStart  MonthEnd    DiffHeartRate
0   Covid   89          Texas   2020-02-28  2020-03-31  89.0
1   Covid   91          Texas   2020-03-31  2020-04-30  2.0
2   Covid   87          Texas   2020-07-31  2020-08-30  87.0
3   Cancer  90          Texas   2020-02-28  2020-03-31  90.0
4   Cancer  88          Florida 2020-03-31  2020-04-30  88.0
5   Covid   89          Florida 2020-02-28  2020-03-31  89.0
6   Covid   87          Florida 2020-03-31  2020-04-30  -2.0
7   Flu     90          Florida 2020-02-28  2020-03-31  90.0

Logic is same as the other answers but different way of representing.

Solution 2:


import numpy as np

df.MonthStart = pd.to_datetime(df.MonthStart)
df.MonthEnd = pd.to_datetime(df.MonthEnd)

def cal_diff(x):
    x['DiffHeartRate'] = np.where(x['MonthEnd'].shift().dt.month.eq(
        x['MonthStart'].dt.month), x['HeartRate'].diff(), x['HeartRate'])
    return x

df = df.groupby(['Disease', 'State']).apply(cal_diff)


  Disease  HeartRate    State MonthStart   MonthEnd DiffHeartRate
0   Covid         89    Texas 2020-02-28 2020-03-31            89
1   Covid         91    Texas 2020-03-31 2020-04-30             2
2   Covid         87    Texas 2020-07-31 2020-08-30            87
3  Cancer         90    Texas 2020-02-28 2020-03-31            90
4  Cancer         88  Florida 2020-03-31 2020-04-30            88
5   Covid         89  Florida 2020-02-28 2020-03-31            89
6   Covid         87  Florida 2020-03-31 2020-04-30            -2
7     Flu         90  Florida 2020-02-28 2020-03-31            90

Solution 3:

You can do it by .mask() together with .groupby() and .transform() as follows:

df['HeartRateDiff'] = (df['HeartRate'].mask(
                           df['MonthStart'].groupby([df['Disease'], df['State']]).transform('diff').lt(np.timedelta64(2,'M')),
                           df.groupby(['Disease', 'State'])['HeartRate'].transform('diff')


(1) Firstly, we ensure the date columns are of datetime format instead of strings:

You can skip this step if your date columns are already in datetime format.

df['MonthStart'] = pd.to_datetime(df['MonthStart'])
df['MonthEnd'] = pd.to_datetime(df['MonthEnd'])

(2) The HeartRate change (within group) is obtained by:

df.groupby(['Disease', 'State'])['HeartRate'].transform('diff')

We can simply use 'diff' within .transform() instead of using pd.Series.diff to achieve the same result.

(3) Continuity of timeline (next month or not) is checked by the following condition:

df['MonthStart'].groupby([df['Disease'], df['State']]).transform('diff').lt(np.timedelta64(2,'M'))

We check the time difference with previous date (within group) being strictly less than 2 months to ensure it is in the next month. We cannot check <= 1 month since some date difference of 2 consecutive month begins can be 32 days. Note that this checking also works for year break (from December to January) where logics checking only with month figure (from 12 to 1) will give wrong result.

(4) Finally, we get the new column by using .mask() on the existing column HeartRate:

.mask() tests for the condition in its 1st parameter and replaces rows to values in its 2nd parameter when the condition is true. It retains the original values for rows when the condition is not met. Thus, achieving our goal of conditional replacement of values.


  Disease  HeartRate    State MonthStart   MonthEnd  HeartRateDiff
0   Covid         89    Texas 2020-02-28 2020-03-31             89
1   Covid         91    Texas 2020-03-31 2020-04-30              2
2   Covid         87    Texas 2020-07-31 2020-08-30             87
3  Cancer         90    Texas 2020-02-28 2020-03-31             90
4  Cancer         88  Florida 2020-03-31 2020-04-30             88
5   Covid         89  Florida 2020-02-28 2020-03-31             89
6   Covid         87  Florida 2020-03-31 2020-04-30             -2
7     Flu         90  Florida 2020-02-28 2020-03-31             90

Solution 4:

I've used a combination of groupby and np.where and df.fillna() to accomplish your tasks.

There may be more efficient methods but I hope this helps.

Input the df

Disease HeartRate   State   MonthStart  MonthEnd
0   Covid   89  Texas   2020-02-28  2020-03-31
1   Covid   91  Texas   2020-03-31  2020-04-30
2   Covid   87  Texas   2020-07-31  2020-08-30
3   Cancer  90  Texas   2020-02-28  2020-03-31
4   Cancer  88  Florida 2020-03-31  2020-04-30
5   Covid   89  Florida 2020-02-28  2020-03-31
6   Covid   87  Florida 2020-03-31  2020-04-30
7   Flu 90  Florida 2020-02-28  2020-03-31

Get HeartRateDiff just like you did

df['DiffHeartRate'] = df.groupby(['Disease', 'State'])['HeartRate'].transform(pd.Series.diff)

For the consecutive months, I would add previous month value as a column

Then simply check whether the months are consecutive or not using np.where

df['MonthStart'] = pd.to_datetime(df['MonthStart'])
df['PrevMonth'] = df['MonthStart'].shift().dt.month
df['DiffHeartRateFinal'] = np.where(df['PrevMonth']==df['MonthStart'].dt.month-1, df['DiffHeartRate'], df['HeartRate'])

Finally, fill all NAN with HeartRate instead

df['DiffHeartRateFinal'] = df['DiffHeartRateFinal'].fillna(df['HeartRate'])


Disease HeartRate   State   MonthStart  MonthEnd    DiffHeartRateFinal
Covid   89  Texas   2020-02-28  2020-03-31  89.0
Covid   91  Texas   2020-03-31  2020-04-30  2.0
Covid   87  Texas   2020-07-31  2020-08-30  87.0
Cancer  90  Texas   2020-02-28  2020-03-31  90.0
Cancer  88  Florida 2020-03-31  2020-04-30  88.0
Covid   89  Florida 2020-02-28  2020-03-31  89.0
Covid   87  Florida 2020-03-31  2020-04-30  -2.0
Flu     90  Florida 2020-02-28  2020-03-31  90.0

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