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Headless_ie_driver Unexpected Error Launching Internet Explorer. IELaunchURL() Returned HRESULT 80070012 ('There Are No More Files.')

I'm trying to run a simple headless web-browser; from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys driver = webdriver.Ie('headless_ie_selenium.exe') dr

Solution 1:

The error you are seeing says it all :

selenium.common.exceptions.SessionNotCreatedException: Message: Unexpected error launching Internet Explorer. IELaunchURL() returned HRESULT 80070012 ('There are no more files.') for URL 'http://localhost:65393/'

If you visit the Release Page of headless-selenium-for-win the Release Notes for headless-selenium-for-win v1.4 it clearly mentions the following :

  • Supporting Firefox and Chrome
  • Windows explorer is not started anymore in the headless desktop.
  • desktop_utils.exe learned to not run explorer.exe after a headless desktop is created.

Hence Internet Explorer can't be initialized with headless_ie_selenium.exe.

Update :

As per your comment Are there any alternatives to open IE and run it in background via selenium with mouse/keyboard inputs the straight Answer is No.

@JimEvans in the Github Thread Headless IE with selenium not working on Windows server clearly mentions that :

The IE driver does not support execution without an active, logged-in desktop session running. You'll need to take this up with the author of the solution you're using to achieve "headless" (scare quotes intentional) execution of IE.

He also adds :

Mouse and keyboard simulation won't work without an active session. It's a browser limitation, not a driver limitation.

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