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Python3.3.1 Ssl Module

I attempted to put push message to apple push notification server via python ssl socket. but fail to do this on python 3.3.1. Python 3.3.1 (default, Apr 9 2013, 14:40:22) [GCC 4.

Solution 1:

this happens when you not install python3 properly (missing dependencies), for more information, click here

basicallyyou have to sudo apt-get install <package_name>, <package_name> is missing module name with leading dash that you'll find when install python with make test from source and it fails unexpected. <package_name> is normally ends with -dev suffix. and more often it with lib prefix too. so you can search it with apt-cache search <package_name>.*-dev$.

then you can test with make test under python source directory. At the end, reinstall your python with ./configure make and make insall

as to your question, issue sudo apt-get install libssl-dev. then reinsall python.

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