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Padding Multiple Character With Space - Python

In perl, I can do the following with will pad my punctuation symbols with spaces: s/([،;؛¿!'\])}»›”؟%٪°±©®।॥…])/ $1 /g;` In Python, I've tried this: >>&

Solution 1:

Python version of $1 is \1, but you should use regex substitution instead of simple string replace:

import re

p = ur'([،;؛¿!"\])}»›”؟%٪°±©®।॥…])'
text = u"this, is a sentence with weird» symbols… appearing everywhere¿"print re.sub(p, ur' \1 ', text)


this , is a sentence with weird »  symbols …  appearing everywhere ¿ 

Solution 2:

You can use re.sub, with \1 as a placeholder.

>>>p = u'،;؛¿!"\])}»›”؟%٪°±©®।॥…'>>>text = u"this, is a sentence with weird» symbols… appearing everywhere¿">>>text = re.sub(u'([{}])'.format(p), r' \1 ', text)>>>print text
this, is a sentence with weird »  symbols …  appearing everywhere ¿

Solution 3:

Use the format function, and insert a unicode string:

p = u'،;؛¿!"\])}»›”؟%٪°±©®।॥…'
text = u"this, is a sentence with weird» symbols… appearing everywhere¿"for i in p:
    text = text.replace(i, u' {} '.format(i))



this, is a sentence with weird »  symbols …  appearing everywhere ¿ 

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