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How Do I Wrap This C Function, With Multiple Arguments, With Ctypes?

I have the function prototype here: extern 'C' void __stdcall__declspec(dllexport) ReturnPulse(double*,double*,double*,double*,double*); I need to write some python to access this

Solution 1:

To make an array with, say, n doubles:

arr7 = ctypes.c_double * `n` 
x = arr7()

and pass x to your function where it wants a double*. Or if you need to initialize x as you make it:

x = arr7(i*0.1 for i in xrange(7))

and the like. You can loop over x, index it, and so on.

Solution 2:

I haven't looked at ctypes too much, but try using a numpy array of the right type. If that doesn't just automatically work, they also have a ctypes attribute that should contain a pointer to the data.

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