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Jupyter (ipython) Notebook: Convert An Html Notebook To Ipynb

I have converted a Jupyter/IPython notebook to HTML format and subsequently lost the original ipynb file. Is there a simple way to generate the original notebook file from the conv

Solution 1:

I recently used BeautifulSoup and JSON to convert html notebook to ipynb. the trick is to look at the JSON schema of a notebook and emulate that. The code selects only input code cells and markdown cells

here is my code

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import json
import urllib.request
url = ''
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
#  for local html file# response = open("/Users/note/jupyter/notebook.html")
text =

soup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'lxml')
# see some of the htmlprint(soup.div)
dictionary = {'nbformat': 4, 'nbformat_minor': 1, 'cells': [], 'metadata': {}}
for d in soup.findAll("div"):
    if'class'in d.attrs.keys():
        for clas in d.attrs["class"]:
            if clas in ["text_cell_render", "input_area"]:
                # code cellif clas == "input_area":
                    cell = {}
                    cell['metadata'] = {}
                    cell['outputs'] = []
                    cell['source'] = [d.get_text()]
                    cell['execution_count'] = None
                    cell['cell_type'] = 'code'

                    cell = {}
                    cell['metadata'] = {}

                    cell['source'] = [d.decode_contents()]
                    cell['cell_type'] = 'markdown'
open('notebook.ipynb', 'w').write(json.dumps(dictionary))

here is part of print(soup.div) output

div class="container">
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A screen shot of the resulting ipynb file, loaded on my local jupyter and after running all the cells

enter image description here

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