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How Can I Insert A Row Into A Dataframe, While Preserving Numerical Order Of Row Indexes?

I'm working with a dataframe from a machine that samples every 2 miliseconds, so all my row indexes have been reindexed to the machine's timestamps. There are certain TTL events t

Solution 1:

Add df.sort(inplace=True) after all your additions to the data-frame.


import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'x': xrange(10), 'y': xrange(10)})
df = df.ix[2::2]  # now we only have "time sample" every 2 msdf['events'] = ''# add a TTL channel
df.loc[3, 'events'] = 'kowabunga!'
df.loc[5, 'events'] = 'kowabunga2!'
df.loc[1, 'events'] = 'kowabunga3!'


    x   y       events
1NaNNaN  kowabunga3!2223NaNNaN   kowabunga!4445NaNNaN  kowabunga2!666888[7 rows x 3 columns]

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