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How To Use A Callback Function In Python?

I wonder how to correctly use python 2.7 callback functions. I have some callback functions from Cherrypy auth examples in my code. (These callbacks return a function that can eva

Solution 1:

In python, like in many other languages, a variable can also contain a function and you can pass them around like other variables that contain e.g. numbers or strings.

CherryPy's member_of function itself does return a function in your example.

I am explaining it in simple steps:

If you write member_of() it returns the result of the function member_of() which is the function with the name check in this case.

cb_function = member_of('admin')

At this point the variable cb_function holds the result of calling the function member_of, and in the last line member_of returns check, which was defined within the function member_of as another function!

You have to call the first result again, because you can and you have to treat it in almost the same way as a local function, that you defined in the current context, to get the final result, by doing something like:

my_result =  cb_function()

And then you would continue and use the result. For example you could check its boolean value:

if my_result:
  # do something

The 3 steps from above together can be written shorter:

cb_function = member_of('admin')
    # do something

Or even shorter:

  # do something

At first it may appear a little strange in python to have the double ()(), but if you think about it for a while it makes sense.

Solution 2:

If you execute it, it is plain simple.

member_of() will return method object check. you have to execute to get result by doing something like if member_of('admin')(): or,


To do your task.

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