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Python Regex Pattern Max Length In Re.compile?

I try to compile a big pattern with re.compile in Python 3. The pattern I try to compile is composed of 500 small words (I want to remove them from a text). The problem is that it

Solution 1:

Consider this example:

import re
stop_list = map(lambda s: "\\b" + str(s) + "\\b", range(1000, 2000))
stopstring = "|".join(stop_list)
stopword_pattern = re.compile(stopstring)

If you try to print the pattern, you'll see something like


which seems to indicate that the pattern is incomplete. However, this just seems to be a limitation of the __repr__ and/or __str__ methods for re.compile objects. If you try to perform a match against the "missing" part of the pattern, you'll see that it still succeeds:

>>> stopword_pattern.match("1999")
<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0,4), match='1999')

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