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Aggregate Grouped Data Conditionally Over Many Columns Doing Different Operations In Python/pandas

Consider the following reduced example data frame df: Department CustomerID Date Price MenswearDemand HomeDemand 0 Menswear 418089 2019-04-18 199

Solution 1:

If you know your column names in advance you can build the dictionary before passing to the agg function.

cutoffDate = df['Date'].max() + dt.timedelta(days=1)

agg_dict = {'Date': lambda x: (cutoffDate - x.max()).days}

DemandColumns = ['MenswearDemand', 'HomeDemand']
f = lambda x: x.sum()
agg_dict.update({col_name: f for col_name in DemandColumns})

newdf = df.groupby('CustomerID').agg(agg_dict)

Another option (knowing the column names, DemandColumns in the previous example) is to first use the agg function to calculate the Date column, and then use the filter function passing the list of desired columns as the items argument to keep only those exact columns.

cutoffDate = df['Date'].max() + dt.timedelta(days=1)
groups = df.groupby('CustomerID')
newdf = groups.agg(lambda x: (cutoffDate - x.max()).days)
newdf = pd.concat([newdf, groups.apply(lambda x: x.filter(items=DemandColumns).agg(sum))], axis=1)

If the desired columns (DemandColumns) follow a given pattern, you can exclude the list creation and use the filter function with the regex argument. In this case, you could use the regex '.*Demand$' to return all columns that end with the Demand string.

newdf = pd.concat([newdf, groups.apply(lambda x: x.filter(regex='.*Demand$').agg(sum))], axis=1)

Solution 2:

Just to give a convtools based alternative:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from convtools import conversion as c
from convtools.contrib.tables import Table

# this way you can define multiple meaningful metrics
metric_to_config = {
    "sum_MenswearDemand": {
        "column": "MenswearDemand",
        "reducer": c.ReduceFuncs.Sum,
    "sum_HomeDemand": {"column": "HomeDemand", "reducer": c.ReduceFuncs.Sum},
    "median_Age": {"column": "Age", "reducer": c.ReduceFuncs.Median},

# pass required metric names as input
required_metrics = ["sum_MenswearDemand", "sum_HomeDemand"]

# prepare aggregation config
parse_date = c.call_func(datetime.strptime, c.this(), "%Y-%m-%d").call_method(
aggregate_config = {
    "CustomerID": c.item("CustomerID"),
    "Date": c.ReduceFuncs.Max(c.item("Date")).pipe(parse_date),
for metric in required_metrics:
    config = metric_to_config[metric]
    reducer = config["reducer"]
    column = config["column"]
    aggregate_config[metric] = reducer(c.item(column))

# this is where code generation happens
converter = (
        # total max is calculated below and saved under "max_date" label# here we replace "Date" with day diffs
                "Date", (c.label("max_date") - c.item("Date")).attr("days")
        # calculate max date from aggregation results
            "max_date": (
                c.call_func(max, c.iter(c.item("Date")))
                + timedelta(days=1)

# reading required columns from input csv file
rows = (
        *{metric_to_config[metric]["column"] for metric in required_metrics},
# aggregating input rows
iterable_of_results = converter(rows)

# outputting to csv file if needed

The benefit of using this library is that it is lightweight, has no dependencies, allows for stream processing and sometimes it's not slower than pandas/polars because of simplicity of the generated code.

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