Django Celery Cannot Query Postgres Db Inside Task
In my celery task I try to query my postgres db. But I always get following error: @shared_task(bind=True) def ImportFiles(self, activity_file_list, user_id_list,activityf
Solution 1:
I found a solution for windows: I started my celery with following command:
celery -A geodjango.celery worker --loglevel=info --pool=eventlet
The problem seems the --pool=eventlet --> if I change pool to solo it works. Following command works now and I can make my postgres queries.
celery -A geodjango.celery worker --loglevel=info --pool=solo
I'm not an expert, I think I saw --pool=eventlet in a tutorial so I used that. But with --pool=solo it works.
Here I found an article about the different pool options, maybe it also helps someone else:
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