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Identity Of Nodes In The Giant Component, In Igraph With Python

I'm trying to label which nodes are in the giant component of a network, and which are not. I am NOT trying to simply grab the giant component. This is what I have so far: def in_g

Solution 1:

I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly, but it seems like you simply need a binary list (i.e. a list containing True and False only) such that the item at index i in the list is true iff the corresponding vertex is in the giant component. Your solution is fine, but since it depends on NumPy, I thought I'd add an alternative that does not depend on it:

def in_giant(G):
    cl = G.components()
    cl_sizes = cl.sizes()
    giant_component_index = cl_sizes.index(max(cl_sizes))
    return [x == giant_component_index for x in cl.membership]

Solution 2:

Looks like the answer is:

vc = G.components() ##Get VertexClustering object
array(vc.membership)==argmax(vc.sizes) ##argmax(vc.sizes) may always return 0; not sure.

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