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Code To Clear Console And Variables In Spyder

Tried many suggestions to clear console and variables in Spyder using code not CTRL+L but they do not work. wondering any effective suggestion what the code can be used for clearin

Solution 1:

(Spyder maintainer here) This code both clears the console and removes all variables present on the namespace at the same time:

    from IPython import get_ipython
    get_ipython().magic('reset -f')

It also has the advantage that it works inside and outside Spyder.

Note: Right now this approach generates an error in the console after it's run. We'll fix that error in the next Spyder version (3.3.4), to be released in March/2019.

Solution 2:

The simplest way that I have come across to clear the Spyder console programmatically is:


From Link and suggested by Denis Rasulev .


Also works.

Solution 3:

cls and clear-host work in (!) the Console.

Solution 4:

seen it elsewhere here, not my code, but:

import os

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