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Confusion To Read Html Table Contents Using Beautifulsoup?

here is the HTML content: <

Solution 1:

Use .stripped_strings to get the 'interesting' text from a table row:

rows= table.find_all('tr', class_=('rowLight', 'rowDark'))
    print list(row.stripped_strings)

This outputs:

[u'Task1', u'Assigned to', u'Harry']
[u'Task2', u'Rejected by', u'Lopa']
[u'Task5', u'Accepted By', u'Mathew']

or, to pull everything into one list of lists (with, by request, the last row not included):

data = [list(r.stripped_strings) for r in rows[:-1]]

which becomes:

data = [[u'Task1', u'Assigned to', u'Harry'], [u'Task2', u'Rejected by', u'Lopa']]

The result of .find_all(), a ResultSet, acts just like a Python list and you can slice it at will to ignore certain rows, for example.

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