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Find All Combinations (upper And Lower And Symbols) Of A Word In Python

I hope it's Monday-itis kicking in at the moment, but something I feel should be quite easy - or at least elegant - is giving me a brain fart. The use case is this: Find all possib

Solution 1:

import itertools

places = [

for letters in itertools.product(*places):

If you need to handle arbitrary words, then you'll need to write code to create the places list from the string.

Solution 2:

The main issue with this problem, is that not all letters can be translated to symbols or numbers. You have to create a dictionary where the key is a lower case letter and the value is a list of all possible replacement of that letter:


Once your dictionary is built, the rest is just a matter of a simple Cartesian product of the different lists in the right order.

Solution 3:

I'd use itertools.product:

import itertools
symbols = dict(a="@", s="5", o="0")  # char -> str
text = "password"printlist(itertools.product(*[[letter, letter.upper()] + list(symbols.get(letter, "")) for letter in text.lower()])

Solution 4:

itertools.product is what you're searching for:

#!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from itertools import product

    leet = ["Aa@","Bb","Cc", "Dd","Ee","Ff","Gg","Hh","Ii","Jj","Kk",

    getPlaces = lambda password: [leet[ord(el.upper()) - 65] for el in password]

    for letters in product(*getPlaces(password)):

for el in getAllCombinations("Password"):
    print el

If you are curious what the asterisk * means, here you are: foggy on asterisk in python

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