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Search By Name In Rdf/n3 File

I have to perform some filtering in a turtle/n3 file, returning another file of the same kind. The basic data element (location) i work on is this: :pt0001 vcard:category 'Pos

Solution 1:

If you want to get the triples for the subject which has that name exactly, you can do a simple describe:

describe ?s where { ?svcard:fn "Ufficio Bologna 1". }

Otherwise, if you want to use a regex, you can modify the query slightly

describe ?s where { ?s vcard:fn ? name. filter (regex(?name, "regex goes here")). }

Though a word of caution, regex over large datasets can be expensive. Many systems offer extensions to SPARQL which will full-text index your literal values which you can then search over using a more normal search syntax.

Solution 2:

I solved like this:

CONSTRUCT {?s?p?o}
        WHERE {
                vcard:fn ?name.
                FILTER regex (?name ,"^ufficio bologna 1$", "i")

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