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Sending Emails With Smtp Python, Problem With Def Block

I'm new to python, I'm working with python 3. I need to send an email with generated message. Everything is ok with message (I can print it) but somehow in that configuration, with

Solution 1:

Problem was in message type. I changed it to MIMEText and it works now.

import random
import string
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText

port = 2525 
smtp_server = ""
login = "my mailtrap login"
password = "my mailtrap pass"

sender = ""
receiver = ""

def randomString(stringLength=10):
    lettersDigits = string.ascii_lowercase + "0123456789"
    return ''.join(random.choice(lettersDigits) for i in range(stringLength))

def makeMessage(subject, content):
    message = MIMEText(content)
    message["Subject"] = subject
    message["From"] = sender
    message["To"] = receiver

    return message

def randomMessage():
    return makeMessage(randomString(), randomString())

def sendMessage(message):
    with smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, port) as server:
        server.login(login, password)
        server.sendmail(sender, receiver, message.as_string())

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