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How To Create A Z-score In Spark Sql For Each Group

I have a dataframe which looks like this dSc TranAmount 1: 100021 79.64 2: 100021 79.64 3: 100021 0.16 4: 100022 11.65 5: 100022 0.36

Solution 1:

You can for example compute statistics and join with the original data:

stats = (df.groupBy("dsc")

df.join(broadcast(stats), ["dsc"])

    .join(func.broadcast(stats), ["dsc"])
    .select("dsc", "TranAmount", (df.TranAmount - stats.avg) /

or use window functions with standard deviation formula:

from pyspark.sql.window import Window
import sys

def z_score_w(col, w):
    avg_ = func.avg(col).over(w)
    avg_sq = func.avg(col * col).over(w)
    sd_ = func.sqrt(avg_sq - avg_ * avg_)
    return (col - avg_) / sd_

w = Window().partitionBy("dsc").rowsBetween(-sys.maxsize, sys.maxsize)
df.withColumn("zscore", z_score_w(df.TranAmount, w))

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