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Sublime Text Build System With Options

I have various shell build scripts for a project and want to create one centralized build system with options that will allow which shell script to run. For example, a user presse

Solution 1:

Actually, you do not need your own plugin. All you need are build variants. Here's simple example using your example commands:

  "name Script 1",
  "cmd": ["", "$file"],
  "file_regex": "^(..[^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$",
  "working_dir": "${project_path:${folder:${file_path}}}",

      "name": "Script 2",
      "cmd": ["", "$file"]
      "name": "Script 3",
      "cmd": ["", "$file"]

Save this in your User preferences folder as MyScript.sublime-build. You will then be able to select it from the build menu, turning off the automatic target.

Now, when you press Command+B (on Mac, Control+B on Windows and Linux), the default target executes Script 1, on your file, but you can also select either of the variants.

See this answer, also, for a build file that I personally use providing variants for different Make targets.

Solution 2:

I don't know enough python to give you the specific code, but it looks like you need to write your own to handle an array of the commands and provide the control logic. Then in the JSON file, you would just need to write the value of the "cmd" key as [["first cmd"], ["second cmd"],..., ["last cmd"]],.

I'm following this question; I really like your idea.

Solution 3:

I ended up making my own plugin and placed the following in run():

self.view.window().run_command('exec', {'cmd': ['sh', ''], 'quiet': False})        

I based it off of the code of this Git Support plugin:

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