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How To Create An Accurate Buffer Of 5 Miles Around A Coordinate In Python?

I would like to create an accurate buffer of 5 miles around a coordinate, my current code is: cpr_gdf['p_buffer']=cpr_gdf['coordinates'].buffer(5*(1/60)) The coordinates column

Solution 1:

You need to convert to an equal area projection that is most accurate to where your buffer will be (good resource at

For example, I'm making maps in Michigan, so I'm using EPSG:3174 (which I believe is in meters, correct me if wrong). Given you've already converted your dataframe to a GeoPandas dataframe, you can convert your current projection to 3174 and then create your buffer (converting miles to meters)

cpr_gdf= cpr_gdf.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:3174'})  
buffer_length_in_meters = (5 * 1000) * 1.60934
cpr_gdf['geometry'] = cpr_gdf.geometry.buffer(buffer_length_in_meters)

Solution 2:

At the equator, one minute of latitude or longitude is ~ 1.84 km or 1.15 mi (ref).

So if you define your point as P = [y, x] then you can create a buffer around it of lets say 4 minutes which are approximately 5 miles: buffer = 0.04. The bounding box then is easily obtained with

minlat = P[0]-(P[0]*buffer)
maxlat = P[0]+(P[0]*buffer)
minlon = P[1]-(P[1]*buffer)
maxlon = P[1]+(P[1]*buffer)

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