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Multiprocessing: Pool And Pickle Error -- Pickling Error: Can't Pickle : Attribute Lookup __builtin__.instancemethod Failed

I have two files: class BF(object) def __init__(): . . def add(self,z): . . from y import BF def FUNC((a,b,bf)) . . bf.add(x) . . ret

Solution 1:

I'm going to basically use what you have above, but turn it into working code. There is no problem serializing, if you use dill. I'm using a fork of multiprocessing called pathos.multiprocessing, which uses dill instead of pickle.

>>>defFUNC((a,b,bf)):...  z = a+b...  bf.add(z)...return bf...>>>classBF(object):...defadd(self, z):...    self.z += z...def__init__(self):...    self.z = 0...>>>from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool>>>pool = Pool()>>>>>>f = BF()>>>f.add(1)>>>f.z
<__main__.BF object at 0x10d387f50>
>>>>>>sl = [BF() for i inrange(10)]>>>results =, zip(range(len(sl)), range(len(sl)), sl))>>>[bf.z for bf in results]
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]

This works, because pathos uses dill, which can serialize almost anything in python.

>>>import dill as pickle>>>pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(bf.add))
<bound method BF.add of <__main__.BF object at 0x10d383950>>
<unbound method BF.add>

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