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Numba: How To Suppress

I keep on getting this error in my numba code: Warning 101:0: Unused argument 'self' My numba code is below. How do I suppress the error message? @autojit def initialise_output_d

Solution 1:

You can suppress all numba warnings on a specific function with warn=False. For example:

@numba.autojit(warn=False)deff(a, b):
    return a

f doesn't use b but numba does not issue a warning. This works for @numba.jit also. Just be careful!

Solution 2:

As autojit doesn't seem to exist anymore, and numba.jit doesn't accept the argument warn, some imperfect ways to handle this may be:

  1. Disable all Numba messages of level WARNING or lower

    import logging;
    logger = logging.getLogger("numba");
  2. Disable all messages of level WARNING or lower altogether

    import logging;

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