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Accessing Class Instance From Another Module (python)

I'm pretty new to Python as to OOP in general which is probably be the reason that I can't figure out the following: I'm writing a python script which opens a text file and subsequ

Solution 1:

I might be misinterpreting your question, correct me if I am. As I understand it, you are using one single instance of a SetEnv object across an entire project to store and modify some path configuration.

If you really want a singleton like settings object, then use a module instead of a class.

_src = ''
_html = ''defset_path_srcfile(path_srcfile):
    global _src
    _src = path_srcfile

    return _src


Then everywhere you need it you can use import env; env.set_path_srcfile(myfile) and know that all other functions / modules / classes will be aware of the update.

If you don't want a singleton, then making a settings object available in the main module somewhere (as you have done) is a fine solution.

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