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How To Reduce Png Image Filesize In Pil

I have used PIL to convert and resize jpg/bmt to png .. i can easily resize and convert to png but the file size is of new image is too big im_resize = im.r

Solution 1:

PNG Images still have to hold all data for every single pixel on the image, so there is a limit on how far you can compress them.

One way to further decrease it, since your 400x400 is to be used as a "thumbnail" of sorts, is to use indexed mode:

im_indexed = im_resize.convert("P") )

*wait * Just saw an error in your example code: You are saving the original image, not the resized image:
im_resize = im.resize((400, 400), Image.ANTIALIAS)    # best down-sizing filter'_logo.'+'png')

When you should be doing:'_logo.'+'png')

You are just saving back the original image, that is why it looks so big. Probably you won't need to use indexed mode them.

Aother thing: Indexed mode images can look pretty poor - a better way out, if you come to need it, might be to have your smalle sizes saved as .jpg instead of .png s - these can get smaller as you need, trading size for quality.

Solution 2:

You can use other tools like PNGOUT

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