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Why Are Explicit Calls To Magic Methods Slower Than "sugared" Syntax?

I was messing around with a small custom data object that needs to be hashable, comparable, and fast, when I ran into an odd-looking set of timing results. Some of the comparisons

Solution 1:

Two reasons:

  • The API lookups look at the type only. They don't look at, they look for type( That's one less dictionary to look in.

  • The C slot lookup is faster than the pure-Python attribute lookup (which will use __getattribute__); instead looking up the method objects (including the descriptor binding) is done entirely in C, bypassing __getattribute__.

So you'd have to cache the type(self._foo).__hash__ lookup locally, and even then the call would not be as fast as from C code. Just stick to the standard library functions if speed is at a premium.

Another reason to avoid calling the magic methods directly is that the comparison operators do more than just call one magic method; the methods have reflected versions too; for x < y, if x.__lt__ isn't defined or x.__lt__(y) returns the NotImplemented singleton, y.__gt__(x) is consulted as well.

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