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Converting List Of String To List Of Integer

How do I convert a space separated integer input into a list of integers? Example input: list1 = list(input('Enter the unfriendly numbers: ')) Example conversion: ['1', '2', '3',

Solution 1:

map() is your friend, it applies the function given as first argument to all items in the list.

map(int, yourlist) 

since it maps every iterable, you can even do:

map(int, input("Enter the unfriendly numbers: "))

which (in python3.x) returns a map object, which can be converted to a list. I assume you are on python3, since you used input, not raw_input.

Solution 2:

One way is to use list comprehensions:

intlist = [int(x) for x in stringlist]

Solution 3:

this works:

nums = [int(x) for x in intstringlist]

Solution 4:

You can try:

x = [int(n) for n in x]

Solution 5:

Say there is a list of strings named list_of_strings and output is list of integers named list_of_int. map function is a builtin python function which can be used for this operation.

'''Python 2.7'''
list_of_strings = ['11','12','13']
list_of_int = map(int,list_of_strings)
print list_of_int 

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