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Django-filter: Using Choicefilter With Choices Dependent On Request

I am using django-filter and need to add a ChoiceFilter with choices dependent on the request that I receive. I am reading the docs for ChoiceFilter but it says: This filter matche

Solution 1:

I've been looking too hard that I found two different ways of doing it! (both by overriding the __init__ method). Code inspired from this question.

    supplier = filters.ChoiceFilter(
        label=_('Supplier'), empty_label=_("All Suppliers"),)

    def__init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(LayoutFilterView, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # First Method
        self.filters['supplier'].extra['choices'] = [
            (, for supplier in ourSuppliers(request=self.request)

        # Second Method
            'choices': [(, for supplier in ourSuppliers(request=self.request)]

The function ourSuppliers is just to return a QuerySet to be used as choices

    if request isNone:
        return Supplier.objects.none()

    company =
    return Supplier.objects.filter(company=company)

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