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Exception Handling Over Multiple Calling Levels

How do you best handle multiple levels of methods in a call hierarchy that raise exceptions, so that if it is a fatal error the program will exit (after displaying an error dialog)

Solution 1:

If you don't catch an exception, it bubbles up the call stack until someone does. If no one catches it, the runtime will get it and die with the exception error message and a full traceback. IOW, you don't have to explicitely catch and reraise your exception everywhere - which would actually defeat the whole point of having exceptions. Actually, despite being primarily used for errors / unexpected conditions, exceptions are first and foremost a control flow tool allowing to break out of the normal execution flow and pass control (and some informations) to any arbitrary place up in the call stack.

From this POV your code seems mostlt correct (caveat: I didn't bother reading the whole thing, just had a quick look), except (no pun indented) for a couple points:

First, you should define your own specific exception class(es) instead of using the builtin ValueError (you can inherit from it if it makes sense to you) so you're sure you only catch the exact exceptions you expect (quite a few layers "under" your own code could raise a ValueError that you didn't expect).

Then, you may (or not, depending on how your code is used) also want to add a catch-all top-level handler in your main() function so you can properly log (using the logger module) all errors and eventually free resources, do some cleanup etc before your process dies.

As a side note, you may also want to learn and use proper string formatting, and - if perfs are an issue at least -, avoid duplicate constant calls like this:

elif AnnotationUtil.is_embeddable_table(table) and AnnotationUtil.is_secondary_table(table):
    # ...elif AnnotationUtil.is_embeddable_table(table):
    # ...elif AnnotationUtil.is_secondary_table(table):
    # ...

Given Python's very dynamic nature, neither the compiler nor runtime can safely optimize those repeated calls (the method could have been dynamically redefined between calls), so you have to do it yourself.


When trying to catch the error in the main() function, exceptions DON'T bubble up, but when I use this pattern one level deeper, bubbling-up seems to work.

You can easily check that it works correctly with a simple MCVE:

    raise ValueError("foo")

    return deeply_nested()

    return nested()

    except ValueError as e:
        print("got {}".format(e))
        print("you will not see me")

if __name__ == "__main__":

It appears the software that supplies the Python env is somehow treating the main plugin file in a wrong way. Looks I will have to check the MySQL Workbench guys

Uhu... Even embedded, the mechanism expection should still work as expected - at least for the part of the call stack that depends on your main function (can't tell what happens upper in the call stack). But given how MySQL treats errors (what about having your data silently truncated ?), I wouldn't be specially suprised if they hacked the runtime to silently pass any error in plugins code xD

Solution 2:

It is fine for errors to bubble up

Python's exceptions are unchecked, meaning you have no obligation to declare or handle them. Even if you know that something may raise, only catch the error if you intend to do something with it. It is fine to have exception-transparent layers, which gracefully abort as an exception bubbles through them:

deflogged_get(map: dict, key: str):
    result = map[key]  # this may raise, but there is no state to corrupt# the following is not meaningful if an exception occurred# it is fine for it to be skipped by the exception bubbling upprint(map, '[%s]' % key, '=>', result)
    return result

In this case, logged_get will simply forward any KeyError (and others) that are raised by the lookup. If an outer caller knows how to handle the error, it can do so.

So, just call self.create_collection_embeddable_class_stub the way you do.

It is fine for errors to kill the application

Even if nothing handles an error, the interpreter does. You get a stack trace, showing what went wrong and where. Fatal errors of the kind "only happens if there is a bug" can "safely" bubble up to show what went wrong.

In fact, exiting the interpreter and assertions use this mechanism as well.

>>> assert 2<1, "This should never happen"
Traceback (most recent calllast):
  File "<string>", line 1, in<module>
AssertionError: This should never happen

For many services, you can use this even in deployment - for example, systemd would log that for a Linux system service. Only try to suppress errors for the outside if security is a concern, or if users cannot handle the error.

It is fine to use precise errors

Since exceptions are unchecked, you can use arbitrary many without overstraining your API. This allows to use custom errors that signal different levels of problems:

    """Something is wrong about our DB..."""classDBEntryInconsistent(DBProblem):
    """A single entry is broken"""classDBInconsistent(DBProblem):
    """The entire DB is foobar!"""

It is generally a good idea not to re-use builtin errors, unless your use-case actually matches their meaning. This allows to handle errors precisely if needed:

except DBEntryInconsistent:
    logger.error("aborting due to corrupted entry")
except DBInconsistent as err:
    logger.error("aborting due to corrupted DB")
# donot handle ValueError, KeyError, MemoryError, ...
# they will show up as a stack trace

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