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Regular Expression | Regex For Icd9 Codes

I am using Python to extract ICD9 codes. And am using the below regular expression icdRegex = recomp('V\d{2}\.\d{1,2}|\d{3}\.\d{1,2}|E\d{3}\.\d') It captures pattern similar to 13

Solution 1:

Add a negative lookahead assertion like the follwing:


Solution 2:

Here is HamZa's expression for everyone:

icdRegex = recomp("\b(?:V\d{2}\.\d{1,2}|\d{3}\.\d{1,2}|E\d{3}\.\d)\b(?!\s*(?:kg|lb)s?\b)")

Thanks HamZa & Chapelo for helping out. Appreciate it.

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