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Vscode Jupyter Loads Incorrect Version Of Python

VSCode's Jupyter isn't actually running the version of python that it displays in the lower left of the screen. Below, it purports to be running 3.9.1, but the output of the cell s

Solution 1:

What eventually worked for me was:

  1. Close VSCode
  2. In .ipynb pane's top right, change version of Python to the desired conda environment
  3. Start the kernel

Changing the kernel and then restarting it didn't seem to work.

Solution 2:

In VSCode, the Python environment of Jupyter notebook is independent, it uses the Python environment we chose last time by default. We can click on "Python3: Idle" in the upper right corner and switch to the Python3.9 environment.

Please reload VSCode after switching the Python environment to make Jupyter reload the corresponding kernel.

enter image description here

Solution 3:

!pip install import_ipynb`enter code here`
!pip install ipynb

import import_ipynb
import ipynb

from ipynb.fs.full.tim_folderimport tim_folder

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