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Capturing And Manipulating A Webcam Feed And Exposing It As A "virtual Webcam" - In Python, On Windows

The final goal would be to capture the regular webcam feed, manipulate it in some way (blur face, replace background, ...) and then output the result in some way so that the manipu

Solution 1:

You can do this by using pyvirtualcam

First, you need to install it using pip

pip install pyvirtualcam

Then go to This Link and download the zip file from the latest release

Unzip and navigate to \bin\[your computer's bittedness]

Open Command Prompt in that directory and type

regsvr32 /n /i:1 "obs-virtualsource.dll"

This will register a fake camera to your computer

and if you want to unregister the camera then run this command:

regsvr32 /u "obs-virtualsource.dll"

Now you can send frames to the camera using pyvirtualcam

This is a sample:

import pyvirtualcam
import numpy as np

with pyvirtualcam.Camera(width=1280, height=720, fps=30) as cam:
        frame = np.zeros((cam.height, cam.width, 4), np.uint8) # RGBA
        frame[:,:,:3] = cam.frames_sent % 255# grayscale animation
        frame[:,:,3] = 255

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