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In Tkinter How Do I Remove Focus From A Widget?

I'd like to remove focus from a widget manually.

Solution 1:

You can focus to another dummy widget.


from Tkinter import *

def callback():
    print master.focus()

master = Tk()
e = Entry(master)
b = Button(master, text="get", width=10, command=callback)


Focusing on a non-'focusable' widget will remove focus from another widget.

Solution 2:

  • Set focus to another widget to remove focus from the target widget is a good idea. There are two methods for this: w.focus_set() and w.focus_force(). However, method w.focus_force() is impolite. It's better to wait for the window manager to give you the focus. Setting focus to parent widget or to the root window removes focus from the target widget.
  • Some widgets have takefocus option. Set takefocus to 0 to take your widget out of focus traversal (when user hits <Tab> key).

Solution 3:

If the dummy widget is Canvas then c.focus() will not work.

use c.focus_set() or'focus',c) to first focus on the canvas window itself.

That's because


... returns the id for the item that currently has the focus, or an empty string if no item has the focus. Reference

c.focus(id_) will focus on the item having id id_ within the canvas.

c.focus("") will remove the focus from any item in the canvas.

Hence (within some callback)

c.config(highlightthickness = 0) # to remove the highlight border on focus
c.focus("") # just to be sure

The reason c.focus() functions differently is that within Tcl/Tk's Commands there's the "Primary" Command focus

as well as the Canvas-specific Widget Command focus

That's not an issue within the Tcl/Tk syntax but in the tkinter module c.focus() will call the underlying canvas-specific foucs.

From within the Canvas class Line 2549

deffocus(self, *args):
        """Set focus to the first item specified in ARGS."""return, 'focus') + args)

Solution 4:

My solution is root.focus() it will remove widget focus.

Solution 5:

If you use ttk widgets you can "remove" the focus ring by removing the color; for example on a button:

style = ttk.Style()
style.configure('TButton', focuscolor='')

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