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How To Use Python Csv Module For Splitting Double Pipe Delimited Data

I have got data which looks like: '1234'||'abcd'||'a1s1' I am trying to read and write using Python's csv reader and writer. As the csv module's delimiter is limited to single cha

Solution 1:

The docs and experimentation prove that only single-character delimiters are allowed.

Since cvs.reader accepts any object that supports iterator protocol, you can use generator syntax to replace ||-s with |-s, and then feed this generator to the reader:

def read_this_funky_csv(source):
  # be sure to pass a source object that supports# iteration (e.g. a file object, or a list of csv text lines)return csv.reader((line.replace('||', '|') for line insource), delimiter='|')

This code is pretty effective since it operates on one CSV line at a time, provided your CSV source yields lines that do not exceed your available RAM :)

Solution 2:

>>>import csv>>>reader = csv.reader(['"1234"||"abcd"||"a1s1"'], delimiter='|')>>>for row in reader:...assertnot''.join(row[1::2])...    row = row[0::2]...print row...
['1234', 'abcd', 'a1s1']

Solution 3:

Unfortunately, delimiter is represented by a character in C. This means that it is impossible to have it be anything other than a single character in Python. The good news is that it is possible to ignore the values which are null:

reader = csv.reader(['"1234"||"abcd"||"a1s1"'], delimiter='|')
#iterate through the reader.
for x in reader:
    #you have to use a numeric range here to ensure that you eliminate the #right things.
    for i in range(len(x)):
        #Odd indexes will be discarded.
        if i%2 == 0: x[i] #x[i] where i%2 == 0 represents the values you want.

There are other ways to accomplish this (a function could be written, for one), but this gives you the logic which is needed.

Solution 4:

If your data literally looks like the example (the fields never contain '||' and are always quoted), and you can tolerate the quote marks, or are willing to slice them off later, just use .split

>>> '"1234"||"abcd"||"a1s1"'.split('||')
['"1234"', '"abcd"', '"a1s1"']
>>> list(s[1:-1] for s in'"1234"||"abcd"||"a1s1"'.split('||'))
['1234', 'abcd', 'a1s1']

csv is only needed if the delimiter is found within the fields, or to delete optional quotes around fields

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