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Showing posts from August, 2022

Python: Import Another Project Module Named Same With A Local Module

I have two python projects. The first one is a django project located at /path/to/project1/ and has… Read more Python: Import Another Project Module Named Same With A Local Module

Pass Variable From Python (flask) To HTML In Render Template?

The web server works (python flask) but when I go to the website, where the value of animal should … Read more Pass Variable From Python (flask) To HTML In Render Template?

Algorithm: IndexError: List Index Out Of Range (Python)

I'm new to python and I wanted to know why my program is displaying 'IndexError: list index… Read more Algorithm: IndexError: List Index Out Of Range (Python)

Py2app With Native Python 2.6

I have a python application primarily dependent on matplotlib, tkinter, numpy and scipy I have been… Read more Py2app With Native Python 2.6

Error In Devstack Script. Nova-api Did Not Start?

I have installed openstack on Ubuntu 12.04 single node using devstack. Now, it was running smoothly… Read more Error In Devstack Script. Nova-api Did Not Start?

Apache Airflow Scheduler Does Not Trigger DAG At Schedule Time

When I schedule DAGs to run at a specific time everyday, the DAG execution does not take place at a… Read more Apache Airflow Scheduler Does Not Trigger DAG At Schedule Time

How Can Make Subplots Of Columns In Pandas Dataframe In One Window Inside Of For-loop

* Please help it's very important: Why is not possible to get subplots of cloumns of Pandas dat… Read more How Can Make Subplots Of Columns In Pandas Dataframe In One Window Inside Of For-loop

Flask Not Finding Files In My Package's 'static' Directory

My question is similar to several others on this site, but the answers I find there aren't work… Read more Flask Not Finding Files In My Package's 'static' Directory

Error While Installing Tensorflow(AVX Support) And Cpuid Python

While I was trying to setup tensorflow (both, using venv and without it) on import I got the follow… Read more Error While Installing Tensorflow(AVX Support) And Cpuid Python

Convert Dataframe Columns Value Into Digital Number

I have following data in my column of data frame. How can I convert each domain name by digital num… Read more Convert Dataframe Columns Value Into Digital Number

Scrapy Error: TypeError: __init__() Got An Unexpected Keyword Argument 'deny'

I've put together a spider and it was running as intended until I've added the keyword deny… Read more Scrapy Error: TypeError: __init__() Got An Unexpected Keyword Argument 'deny'

Python Sklearn Show Loss Values During Training

I want check my loss values during the training time so I can observe the loss at each iteration. S… Read more Python Sklearn Show Loss Values During Training

Find The Dot Product Of Sub-arrays In Numpy

In numpy, the function can be used to calculate the matrix product of two 2D arrays. I … Read more Find The Dot Product Of Sub-arrays In Numpy

How To Solve The Following Condition?

I have the following data type: id point 1 point 2 count Time … Read more How To Solve The Following Condition?

Can't Load Mysqlclient.18.dylib Into Python On Mac OS Lion

I want to get MySQL working with the system Python 2.7 in Mac OS X Lion. I know there are a lot of … Read more Can't Load Mysqlclient.18.dylib Into Python On Mac OS Lion

Pygame Keys Only Running Once

def walk(): x = 0 y = 0 dist = 5 frame = 0 while True: for event in pyg… Read more Pygame Keys Only Running Once

Scaled Paraboloid And Derivatives Checking

I am surprised by the output of the check_partial_derivatives() method applied to the problem showe… Read more Scaled Paraboloid And Derivatives Checking

Iteratively Subtract Values In Array

Starting from a simple numpy array like: a = np.array([1,1,0,2,1,0]) my goal is to iteratively sub… Read more Iteratively Subtract Values In Array

Python Module Not Found Issues After Moving Directory

I am working on some repacking of a project that has a variety of different technologies involved. … Read more Python Module Not Found Issues After Moving Directory

Python - Get The Last Element Of Each List In A List Of Lists

My question is quite simple, I have a list of lists : my_list = [['a1','b1'],['… Read more Python - Get The Last Element Of Each List In A List Of Lists

.zip File Gets Corrupted When Sent With Gmail Api And Compressed With Zlib

I am using Python 3.7 and compressing a .csv file using python's zipfile and zlib. import zipf… Read more .zip File Gets Corrupted When Sent With Gmail Api And Compressed With Zlib

Spotipy Client_credential_manager No Token Provided

I'm trying to use the Spotify API with the python module. I saw a specific example i… Read more Spotipy Client_credential_manager No Token Provided

How To Update A QTextEdit In Real-time

i have one UI with QtextEdit, (1) i want to update QtextEdit and main UI can display realtime and n… Read more How To Update A QTextEdit In Real-time

How To Convert Index Into List?

My index: Index([u'Newal', u'Saraswati Khera', u'Tohana'], dtype='objec… Read more How To Convert Index Into List?

Dos2unix Not Working When Trying To Silence Command

I was calling dos2unix from within Python this way: call('dos2unix ' + file1, shell=True, s… Read more Dos2unix Not Working When Trying To Silence Command

Python Dictionary W/ 2 Keys?

Can I have a python dictionary with 2 same keys, but with different elements? Solution 1: No, b… Read more Python Dictionary W/ 2 Keys?

Split Pandas Dataframe String Into Separate Rows

I have a dataframe of text strings which essentially represents one or many journeys per row. I'… Read more Split Pandas Dataframe String Into Separate Rows

Python 2.7 : How To Constrain The Delimiter Of A New Line To Be '\n' On Windows?

When I write into a text file within a python 2.7 script that runs on Windows the new line delimite… Read more Python 2.7 : How To Constrain The Delimiter Of A New Line To Be '\n' On Windows?

In Django How Can I Create A User And A User Profile At The Same Time From A Single Form Submission

I am using extended version of the UserCreationForm to add users via my own template, which is work… Read more In Django How Can I Create A User And A User Profile At The Same Time From A Single Form Submission

Call Stored Procedure Containing Collection Of Records Using Callproc In Python

I am having a stored procedure in sql : PROCEDURE sp_add_object_tags( pi_account_id … Read more Call Stored Procedure Containing Collection Of Records Using Callproc In Python

Flatten A Dictionary Of Dictionaries (2 Levels Deep) Of Lists

I'm trying to wrap my brain around this but it's not flexible enough. In my Python script I… Read more Flatten A Dictionary Of Dictionaries (2 Levels Deep) Of Lists