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Showing posts from February, 2023

Adding Random Generated Numbers In Python

I have to write a program that generates a list of random generated numbers. At the end of the list… Read more Adding Random Generated Numbers In Python

Why Does `type(myField)` Return `` And Not ``?

I am confronted to a python problem. I want to use type() to find out what type of variable I am us… Read more Why Does `type(myField)` Return `` And Not ``?

Printing With Exactly 1 Space If A Single Digit?

I'm printing an integer, that may be 1 or 2 digits long. I'm using : print str(myInt) How… Read more Printing With Exactly 1 Space If A Single Digit?

Subclassing A Pandas DataFrame, Updates?

To inherit, or not to inherit? What is the latest on the subclassing issue for Pandas? (Most of the… Read more Subclassing A Pandas DataFrame, Updates?

Pandas Combine Excel Spreadsheets

I have an Excel workbook with many tabs. Each tab has the same set of headers as all others. I want… Read more Pandas Combine Excel Spreadsheets

How To Use To_json And From_json To Eliminate Nested Structfields In Pyspark Dataframe?

This solution in theory, works perfectly for what I need, which is to create a new copied version o… Read more How To Use To_json And From_json To Eliminate Nested Structfields In Pyspark Dataframe?

How Do I Install OpenJPEG On Windows And Use It With Pillow?

I would like to use the Python Pillow library to save 16 bit gray scale arrays in the jp2 ('JPE… Read more How Do I Install OpenJPEG On Windows And Use It With Pillow?

Numpy : The Truth Value Of An Array With More Than One Element Is Ambiguous

I am really confused on why this error is showing up. Here is my code: import numpy as np x = np.a… Read more Numpy : The Truth Value Of An Array With More Than One Element Is Ambiguous

MYSQL And Python (via Ssh)

This may be a repeated question of attempting to run a mysql query on a remote machine using python… Read more MYSQL And Python (via Ssh)

Pyramid Debug Toolbar Serving Static Content Over HTTP Instead Of HTTPS

On our test servers, we're using the Pyramid debug toolbar, however, it generates http:// links… Read more Pyramid Debug Toolbar Serving Static Content Over HTTP Instead Of HTTPS

How To Perform Oauth When Doing Twitter Scraping With Python Requests

I am trying to retrieve 100 recent tweets of a user. It is working well with tweepy module in Pytho… Read more How To Perform Oauth When Doing Twitter Scraping With Python Requests

Google App Engine: Task_retry_limit Doesn't Work?

I have a Python GAE app. I want my tasks to stop running or just retry once if they fail. Right now… Read more Google App Engine: Task_retry_limit Doesn't Work?

Multithreaded Keyboard Detector For Linux And Windows

I would like to add a keyboard detection for Linux to my existing Keyboard Detector for Windows. So… Read more Multithreaded Keyboard Detector For Linux And Windows

Plot Normal Distribution In 3D

I am trying to plot the comun distribution of two normal distributed variables. The code below plo… Read more Plot Normal Distribution In 3D

Accessing Csv Header White Space And Case Insensitive

I'm overriding the csv.Dictreader.fieldnames property like the following to read all headers fr… Read more Accessing Csv Header White Space And Case Insensitive

Add Points To Matlibplot Scatter Plot Live

I would like to add points 'live' to a scatter plot in matplotlib, so that the points appea… Read more Add Points To Matlibplot Scatter Plot Live

How To Generate Numbers Based On A Pattern In Python

I have to generate integers based on a pattern. For example, I have to generate all the numbers tha… Read more How To Generate Numbers Based On A Pattern In Python

Having Trouble Installing PyWin32 On My Windows 10 Operating System Based Computer

Why will it not install? I thought I followed the correct procedures Solution 1: Just use bound… Read more Having Trouble Installing PyWin32 On My Windows 10 Operating System Based Computer

How To Iterate Nested Lists With Another List To Create A Dictionary Of Lists Python

I'm using Mibian module to calculate call options. I have a list of three nested lists. Each ne… Read more How To Iterate Nested Lists With Another List To Create A Dictionary Of Lists Python

What Is The Fastest Way To Compute A Sparse Gram Matrix In Python?

A Gram matrix is a matrix of the structure X @ X.T which of course is symmetrical. When dealing wit… Read more What Is The Fastest Way To Compute A Sparse Gram Matrix In Python?

Query CPU ID From Python?

How I can find processor id with py2.6, windows OS? I know that there is pycpuid, but I can't c… Read more Query CPU ID From Python?

Python Nesting Modules

I have spent a lot of time researching this and still cannot understand why I keep getting ImportEr… Read more Python Nesting Modules

How To Implement __delitem__ To Handle All Possible Slice Scenarios?

I work on a class with and embedded list. class a: def __init__(self, n): self.l = [1] … Read more How To Implement __delitem__ To Handle All Possible Slice Scenarios?

What Exactly Are The Csv Module's Dialect Settings For Excel-tab?

The csv module implements classes to read and write tabular data in CSV format. It allows progra… Read more What Exactly Are The Csv Module's Dialect Settings For Excel-tab?

Current Working Directory For Jupyter Notebook Sets To Temp Folder In Vscode

I'm trying to set current working directory (CWD) to edited file location for Jupyter Notebook … Read more Current Working Directory For Jupyter Notebook Sets To Temp Folder In Vscode