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Showing posts from November, 2023

A Threadpoolexecutor Inside A Processpoolexecutor

I am new to the futures module and have a task that could benefit from parallelization; but I don&#… Read more A Threadpoolexecutor Inside A Processpoolexecutor

Fit A Curve For Data Made Up Of Two Distinct Regimes

I'm looking for a way to plot a curve through some experimental data. The data shows a small li… Read more Fit A Curve For Data Made Up Of Two Distinct Regimes

From Utils Import Label_map_util Import Error: No Module Named Utils

I am trying to run the object_detection.ipynb type program but it is a normal python program(.py). … Read more From Utils Import Label_map_util Import Error: No Module Named Utils

Product Feature Optimization With Constraints

I have trained a Lightgbm model on learning to rank dataset. The model predicts relevance score of … Read more Product Feature Optimization With Constraints

Errno 185090050 _ssl.c:343: Error:0b084002:x509 Certificate Routines:x509_load_cert_crl_file:system Lib, After Packaging To Exe By Pyinstaller

I code a python script to check files in GCS, it uses wxpython to generate the GUI. To authenticate… Read more Errno 185090050 _ssl.c:343: Error:0b084002:x509 Certificate Routines:x509_load_cert_crl_file:system Lib, After Packaging To Exe By Pyinstaller

Numerical Simulations With Multiprocessing Much Slower Than Hoped: Am I Doing Anything Wrong? Can I Speed It Up?

I am running set of numerical simulations. I need to run some sensitivity analyses on the results,… Read more Numerical Simulations With Multiprocessing Much Slower Than Hoped: Am I Doing Anything Wrong? Can I Speed It Up?

Python: Trouble Reading Number Format

I am reading from a file where numbers are listed as -4.8416932597054D-04, where D is scientific no… Read more Python: Trouble Reading Number Format

How To Make A Thread-safe Global Counter In Python

I'm creating a threading.Timer(2,work) run threads. Inside each work function, upon some condit… Read more How To Make A Thread-safe Global Counter In Python

Get Tags Of A Commit

Given an object of GitPython Commit, how can I get the tags related to this commit? I'd enjoy h… Read more Get Tags Of A Commit

Non-linear Second Axis In Matplotlib

I would like to know if there is a way to add second non-linear x-axis in Matplotlib if one doesnt … Read more Non-linear Second Axis In Matplotlib

Python Tkinter Wont Display Diagonal Lines

I recently started using Arch Linux, and after transferring a python file from my mac to the Linux,… Read more Python Tkinter Wont Display Diagonal Lines

Anaconda Did Not Install Packages Openpyxl And Xlrd

After installing a new Python 3.6 environment with pandas, numpy, etc. when I tried to use the foll… Read more Anaconda Did Not Install Packages Openpyxl And Xlrd

Subsampling An Unbalanced Dataset In Tensorflow

Tensorflow beginner here. This is my first project and I am working with pre-defined estimators. I … Read more Subsampling An Unbalanced Dataset In Tensorflow

Passing 'records' Parameter To Pandas To_dict Method

I have a dataframe that I'd like to convert to a dictionary. I want each column in the datafram… Read more Passing 'records' Parameter To Pandas To_dict Method

How To Get The List Of Members That Reacted To A Message In

I just couldn't find a way to do it in Reaction doesn't include members. Soluti… Read more How To Get The List Of Members That Reacted To A Message In

Compare A .txt And .csv File And Need To Replace With Matching Name In .csv File To .txt

file1.txt [fields:WinSpc:defect] a=b b=c hello=hi [fields:ROCKET PROJECT:ticket] description=Descr… Read more Compare A .txt And .csv File And Need To Replace With Matching Name In .csv File To .txt

How To Exit Out Of The Shell Script With Non Zero Status If The Files Are Missing In Both The Machines?

I am running my below shell script from machineA which is copying the files from machineB and machi… Read more How To Exit Out Of The Shell Script With Non Zero Status If The Files Are Missing In Both The Machines?

Convert Pandas Column Of Numpy Arrays To Numpy Array Of Higher Dimension

I have a pandas dataframe of shape (75,9). Only one of those columns is of numpy arrays, each of wh… Read more Convert Pandas Column Of Numpy Arrays To Numpy Array Of Higher Dimension

Checking Multiple For Items In A For Loop Python

I've written a code to tell the user that the their brackets are not balanced. I can exactly te… Read more Checking Multiple For Items In A For Loop Python

How Do I Create A Loading Indicator In Bokeh?

I am using a radio button with Bokeh. I want to be able to show a loading indicator when a radio bu… Read more How Do I Create A Loading Indicator In Bokeh?

Easiest Way To Run Python Script From Apache

I have spent ages trying to figure this out. I'm basically trying to develop a website where I … Read more Easiest Way To Run Python Script From Apache

Cuda_error_launch_failed With Tensorflow And Keras

I'm using Keras to train a convolutional neural network using the fit_generator function as the… Read more Cuda_error_launch_failed With Tensorflow And Keras

'>' Not Supported Between Instances Of 'str' And 'int' In My Guess The Number Game

In my guess the number program it gives me the error: '>' not supported between instance… Read more '>' Not Supported Between Instances Of 'str' And 'int' In My Guess The Number Game

How To Use Scipy.optimize.minimize Within Keras Model.compile?

I have a custom loss f = x + y where I have constraints such that while optimising f, x should be w… Read more How To Use Scipy.optimize.minimize Within Keras Model.compile?

Kill Process Under Specific User Account With Python

I would like to kill an application (tree), e.g. MyApp.exe which is running under a specific user. … Read more Kill Process Under Specific User Account With Python

Psycopg2.programmingerror: Syntax Error At Or Near "stdin" Error When Trying To Copy_from Redshift

I am having this problem when I am trying to copy to AWS redshift. This is the code I am trying to … Read more Psycopg2.programmingerror: Syntax Error At Or Near "stdin" Error When Trying To Copy_from Redshift

Sqlite3: Command Not Found Python 3 On Windows 10

I installed Python 3.6.5 on Windows 10. I see that there is a sqlite3 folder in ...\Python\Python36… Read more Sqlite3: Command Not Found Python 3 On Windows 10

Selecting All Rows Before A Certain Entry In A Pandas Dataframe

How to select the rows that before a certain value in the columns first appear? I have a dataset of… Read more Selecting All Rows Before A Certain Entry In A Pandas Dataframe

Why I Cant Compare Str And Int In Python

This is my code : name = input('What's your name? ') print('Nice to meet you ' … Read more Why I Cant Compare Str And Int In Python

Python Regex Matching Multiple Lines

I'm trying to get the contents of a tag from a webpage in python. I used the following code: m… Read more Python Regex Matching Multiple Lines

How To Make "stop" Button To Terminate "start" Function Already Running In Tkinter (python)

I am making a GUI using Tkinter with two main buttons: 'Start' and 'Stop'. Could yo… Read more How To Make "stop" Button To Terminate "start" Function Already Running In Tkinter (python)

How Is The __contains__ Method Of The List Class In Python Implemented?

Suppose I define the following variables: mode = 'access' allowed_modes = ['access'… Read more How Is The __contains__ Method Of The List Class In Python Implemented?

Save A List To A File

I have a library where I want to create a new book and then add it to my list of books. What I hav… Read more Save A List To A File

Nltk: Lemmatizer And Pos_tag

I build a Plaintext-Corpus and the next step is to lemmatize all my texts. I'm using the WordNe… Read more Nltk: Lemmatizer And Pos_tag

How To Pass Unicode Title To Matplotlib?

Can't get the titles right in matplotlib: 'technologieën in °C' gives: technologieÃn i… Read more How To Pass Unicode Title To Matplotlib?

Python: How To Download Images With The Urls In The Excel And Replace The Urls With The Pictures?

As shown in the below picture,there's an excel sheet and about 2,000 URLs of cover images in th… Read more Python: How To Download Images With The Urls In The Excel And Replace The Urls With The Pictures?

Kivy Running Error. Unable To Find Any Valuable Text Provider

Windows 10 machine. Two python version installed. 3.6.5 and 3.5. Also 3.4 was installed and removed… Read more Kivy Running Error. Unable To Find Any Valuable Text Provider

Sort List Of Names In Python, Ignoring Numbers?

['7', 'Google', '100T', 'Chrome', '10', 'Python'] … Read more Sort List Of Names In Python, Ignoring Numbers?

Checking If A List Has Duplicate Lists

Given a list of lists, I want to make sure that there are no two lists that have the same values an… Read more Checking If A List Has Duplicate Lists

Sum Of How Many Numbers Should N Be Partitioned

Partition of integer: 4 = 4 p(4,1) = 1 = 1+3, 2+2 p(4,2) = 2 = 1+1+2 … Read more Sum Of How Many Numbers Should N Be Partitioned

Missingsectionheadererror: File Contains No Section Headers

I am trying to build collective.simserver according to this manual, with some modifications: instea… Read more Missingsectionheadererror: File Contains No Section Headers

Break Is Not Activated Inside A For Loop In Python

I want to print the first 10 key-value pairs from the dictionary word_index and I wrote this code: … Read more Break Is Not Activated Inside A For Loop In Python

How To Interact With Python's Subprocess As A Continuous Session

I need to implement a filter in python, which pick out specific outputs from a Linux command-line d… Read more How To Interact With Python's Subprocess As A Continuous Session

Activating A Virtual Env Not Working

I created two virtualenv and I installed two different versions of django. Now I have a problem to … Read more Activating A Virtual Env Not Working

Unable To Evaluate Score Using Decision_function() In Logistic Regression

I'm doing this Univ. Of Washington assignment where i have to predict the score of sample_test_… Read more Unable To Evaluate Score Using Decision_function() In Logistic Regression

How To Compare Two Columns From The Same Data Set?

I have a data set with 6 columns and 4.5 million rows, and I want to iterate through all the data s… Read more How To Compare Two Columns From The Same Data Set?

How To Get The Details Of Triads In R/python?

I am currently using igraph to get the traid census of a given directed graph usingtriad_census(g).… Read more How To Get The Details Of Triads In R/python?

Can I Patch Python's Assert To Get The Output That Py.test Provides?

Pytest's output for failed asserts is much more informative and useful than the default in Pyth… Read more Can I Patch Python's Assert To Get The Output That Py.test Provides?

Python Pyodbc Sql Server Native Client 11.0 Cannot Return Geometry Column

I have SQL Server Native Client 11.0 and pyodbc installed using python 2.7. I am able to set the co… Read more Python Pyodbc Sql Server Native Client 11.0 Cannot Return Geometry Column

How To Make Ball Bounce Off Triangle In Pygame?

Hello I'm a pretty new programmer and I'm trying to make a ball bounce off a 45 degree tria… Read more How To Make Ball Bounce Off Triangle In Pygame?

Django Switching, For A Block Of Code, Switch The Language So Translations Are Done In One Language

I have a django project that uses a worker process that sends emails to users. The worker processes… Read more Django Switching, For A Block Of Code, Switch The Language So Translations Are Done In One Language

How To Iterate Over Dataframe And Generate A New Dataframe

I have a data frame looks like this: P Q L 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 6,7 The objective is to check if there i… Read more How To Iterate Over Dataframe And Generate A New Dataframe Nameerror: Name 'intents' Is Not Defined

I'm trying to use intents in my bot but when running the following code: import discord from di… Read more Nameerror: Name 'intents' Is Not Defined

Numpy: How To Get Rid Of The Minima Along Axis=1, Given The Indices - In An Efficient Way?

Given a matrix A with shape (1000000,6) I have figured out how to get the minimum rightmost value f… Read more Numpy: How To Get Rid Of The Minima Along Axis=1, Given The Indices - In An Efficient Way?

Launching 'safe' Eval()

I m making a irc bot I would like the bot to reply the eval() when… Read more Launching 'safe' Eval()

Discord Python Bot Not Sending Message

Please don't say 'Already answered', cause I tried EVERYTHING, including all related po… Read more Discord Python Bot Not Sending Message

Measuring Months Between Two Dates : Legislative Definition Of Months

I'm looking to build code that represents the definition of months in a piece of Australian leg… Read more Measuring Months Between Two Dates : Legislative Definition Of Months

Python String Comparison Not Matching A Line Read From A File

I have got a text file with keywords in each line like so: foo foo1 ^^^^^^^^^ foo5 foo7 ^^^^^^^^^ … Read more Python String Comparison Not Matching A Line Read From A File

Hadoop: How To Include Third Party Library In Python Mapreduce

I am writing MapReduce job in Python, and want to use some third libraries like chardet. I konw tha… Read more Hadoop: How To Include Third Party Library In Python Mapreduce

Remove Multiple Items From A Numy.narray Without Numpy.delete

I am using a large nump.narray (11.000x3180) to develop an active learning algorithm (Text mining).… Read more Remove Multiple Items From A Numy.narray Without Numpy.delete

Python Sudo Cron Job Not Working Due To Import Module Error

I have a web scraper script which runs without any problem when I start via command line. I have cr… Read more Python Sudo Cron Job Not Working Due To Import Module Error

Requests S.get(url,verify = False) Error [python]

I'm attempting to write a program that grabs data from my password protected gradebook and anal… Read more Requests S.get(url,verify = False) Error [python]

Function To Switch Between Two Frames In Tkinter

I'm looking through the code at passing-functions-parameters-tkinter-using-lambda, and needed a… Read more Function To Switch Between Two Frames In Tkinter

Why Httpsconnectionpool Doesn't Work When Poolmanager Does?

I have tested a 'POST' request with both PoolManager and HTTPSConnectionPool. The first one… Read more Why Httpsconnectionpool Doesn't Work When Poolmanager Does?

Python Commutative Operator Override

Hi I was wondering if there is a way to do a symmetric operator override in Python. For example, le… Read more Python Commutative Operator Override

Combine Pivoted And Aggregated Column In Pyspark Dataframe

My question is related to this one. I have a PySpark DataFrame, named df, as shown below. date … Read more Combine Pivoted And Aggregated Column In Pyspark Dataframe