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Showing posts from February, 2024

Translating Matlab To Python - Speeding Up A Loop

I have been translating some code from Matlab to Python that we use to analyse data in our lab. We … Read more Translating Matlab To Python - Speeding Up A Loop

Query Whether Python's Threading.lock Is Locked Or Not

I have a thread I am running (code below) which launches a blocking subprocess. To ensure that othe… Read more Query Whether Python's Threading.lock Is Locked Or Not

Sublime Text Build System With Options

I have various shell build scripts for a project and want to create one centralized build system wi… Read more Sublime Text Build System With Options

Get The Elements From Nested Json With Python Using Json Lib

I want to list all the elements from 'BoxDet' with the 'BoxDet' name. The aim is to… Read more Get The Elements From Nested Json With Python Using Json Lib

Run Different Classifiers/algorithms In Parallel Using Spark

I have a dataset and I wanted to test different classifiers in parallel using Spark with Python. Fo… Read more Run Different Classifiers/algorithms In Parallel Using Spark

Is It Possible To Plot A Confusion Matrix With 90 Classes?

I wish to plot the confusion matrix for my classification model. It has about 20000 documents that … Read more Is It Possible To Plot A Confusion Matrix With 90 Classes?

Setting The Size Of A Matplotlib Colorbarbase Object

I have an patch collection that I'd like to display a color map for. Because of some manipulati… Read more Setting The Size Of A Matplotlib Colorbarbase Object

Changing Userpassword In Openldap Using Ldap3 Library

I can't seem to change a users password using the ldap3 python module against an OpenLDAP serve… Read more Changing Userpassword In Openldap Using Ldap3 Library

How To Find The Longest Smallest Path?

A frog wants to cross a river. There are 3 stones in the river she can jump to. She wants to choos… Read more How To Find The Longest Smallest Path?

Finding Valid Ip Addresses With Regex

I have the following string: text = ' but' and I want to ret… Read more Finding Valid Ip Addresses With Regex

How To Use Spinbox For Selection Of Items In A List And Then Using Add To Cart Button To Add That Item To The Invoice?python 3

from tkinter import * These are two lists which has prices and product details. price_audibl… Read more How To Use Spinbox For Selection Of Items In A List And Then Using Add To Cart Button To Add That Item To The Invoice?python 3

Load Compressed Data (.npz) From File Using Numpy.load

I have an array: >>> data = np.ones((1,3,128)) I save it to file using savez_compressed: … Read more Load Compressed Data (.npz) From File Using Numpy.load

How To Call Python Script From Android

Is it possible in Android to call Python script? I have already some scripts in Python 2.7 and I wa… Read more How To Call Python Script From Android

Python Authlib Flask - How To Do Authorize_redirect Explicitly?

I have 'code grant flow' login with the authlib flask integration working nicely: redirect_… Read more Python Authlib Flask - How To Do Authorize_redirect Explicitly?

Pandas: Best Way To Join Two Dataframes Based On A Common Column

I know this is a basic question. But, please hear me out. I have below dataframes: In [722]: m1 Out… Read more Pandas: Best Way To Join Two Dataframes Based On A Common Column

Get Links From Requests Or Beautifulsoup That Are Hidden Inside The Page

More general question since I do not think I have a complete enough code to post. https://ec.europa… Read more Get Links From Requests Or Beautifulsoup That Are Hidden Inside The Page

Pil Cannot Handle This Data Type

I'm attempting to use the fft module in numpy: import Image, numpy i ='img.png… Read more Pil Cannot Handle This Data Type

Ascii - Asciimatics - How To Implement Effects/screens Into The Code

Few posts ago somebody suggested me to look into Asciimatics library for Python. i'm trying to … Read more Ascii - Asciimatics - How To Implement Effects/screens Into The Code

Python Searching For String And Printing The File It Is In

I am working on a small program for work, and I have looked everywhere for help on this! What I'… Read more Python Searching For String And Printing The File It Is In

"sort By X (ascending) Then By Y (descending)" For A Csv File In Python

So I have a csv file that I want to sort using 2 columns (basically the same idea in excel as '… Read more "sort By X (ascending) Then By Y (descending)" For A Csv File In Python

Pyscreenshot Is Hanging Python 3.4

I am still pretty new to python. I am on Ubuntu 14.04 and using Python 3.4 in IDLE. I want to take … Read more Pyscreenshot Is Hanging Python 3.4

Introduce A Text In A Lineedit Of Pyqt From A Thread

How can I introduce a text in a lineEdit from a thread that are getting the data whithout colapse t… Read more Introduce A Text In A Lineedit Of Pyqt From A Thread

Apply Function On Each Column In A Pandas Dataframe

How I can write following function in more pandas way: def calculate_df_columns_mean(self, df)… Read more Apply Function On Each Column In A Pandas Dataframe

How To Use Multi Touch In A Python Paint Program

so im building a simple paint program in python as a project, using Pygame it works by basically dr… Read more How To Use Multi Touch In A Python Paint Program

Pygame: Adding A Background

I'm making a project for my senior year. Its a game where i can move a user. I would like to ad… Read more Pygame: Adding A Background

How To Scrape Values In Selenium Using Python?

I'm Trying To Scrape Values in option tag with css selector but i can't: I Want to scrape v… Read more How To Scrape Values In Selenium Using Python?

Pyserial Write() Instant Timeout

EDIT I found out what the problem was and have answered my own question. Original question below th… Read more Pyserial Write() Instant Timeout

'function' Object Has No Attribute 'value' When Class Function Is Used In Enum Values

I just want to achieve some extra which is not there in operator module of python like not_contain.… Read more 'function' Object Has No Attribute 'value' When Class Function Is Used In Enum Values

How To Get Value Of Textinput With Kivy

I'm new to Kivy and as i'm not able to practice on PySide (some dynamic libraries broken or… Read more How To Get Value Of Textinput With Kivy

Python: How To Get Values Of An Array At Certain Index Positions?

I have a numpy array like this: a = [0,88,26,3,48,85,65,16,97,83,91] How can I get the values at c… Read more Python: How To Get Values Of An Array At Certain Index Positions?

Function Annotation In Python 3 Get "name Not Defined" Error

I am trying to use python3 type annotation features. Here is some toy functions without annotation:… Read more Function Annotation In Python 3 Get "name Not Defined" Error

Separate Output File For Every Url Given In Start_urls List Of Spider In Scrapy

I want to create separate output file for every url I have set in start_urls of spider or somehow w… Read more Separate Output File For Every Url Given In Start_urls List Of Spider In Scrapy

How To Create A Z-score In Spark Sql For Each Group

I have a dataframe which looks like this dSc TranAmount 1: 100021 79.64 2: 1000… Read more How To Create A Z-score In Spark Sql For Each Group

Error With On Click Event In Wxpython

I want to collect input from the user in test box. So when I click a button it should give me name … Read more Error With On Click Event In Wxpython

Dict.get() - Default Arg Evaluated Even Upon Success

Why is the default in dict.get(key[, default]) evaluated even if the key is in the dictionary? >… Read more Dict.get() - Default Arg Evaluated Even Upon Success

Show *only* Docstring In Sphinx Documentation?

Sphinx has a feature called automethod that extracts the documentation from a method's docstrin… Read more Show *only* Docstring In Sphinx Documentation?

Why Isn't The 'chromedriver' Executable In The Path Even After Using Chromedrivermanager Through Selenium And Python

I'm trying to click the 'Launch Earth' button with this block of code. from selenium im… Read more Why Isn't The 'chromedriver' Executable In The Path Even After Using Chromedrivermanager Through Selenium And Python

Python: Print All The String From List At The Same Time

For example, I have a list a. When I do it in a for loop, I can print all of its elements. But when… Read more Python: Print All The String From List At The Same Time

Mathplotlib Draw Triangle With Gradient Fill

I have to draw a triangle in Python using mathplotlib. This is how it should eventually look like: … Read more Mathplotlib Draw Triangle With Gradient Fill

How Efficient Is Google App Engine Ndb.delete_multi()?

I'm working on something to clear my database of ~10,000 entities, and my plan is to put it in … Read more How Efficient Is Google App Engine Ndb.delete_multi()?

Having Py2exe Include My Data Files (like Include_package_data)

I have a Python app which includes non-Python data files in some of its subpackages. I've been … Read more Having Py2exe Include My Data Files (like Include_package_data)

Is It Possible To Deploy Django With Sqlite?

I've built a Django app that uses sqlite (the default database), but I can't find anywhere … Read more Is It Possible To Deploy Django With Sqlite?

Understanding `conda Install` (channel And Packages)

I am trying to install fastai but I don't understand what they are trying to do with conda inst… Read more Understanding `conda Install` (channel And Packages)

Python. Phrase Representation, How To Change?

I don't know what's the encoding present in this phrases (and I'd like a answer to this… Read more Python. Phrase Representation, How To Change?

Escaping Chars In F-string

I have run into the following issue with the f-string: >>> a='hello' # how to pri… Read more Escaping Chars In F-string

The Fastest Way To Add A New Data Bar With Pyqtgraph

I'd like to refresh a candle graph in the fastest way. But following the modified sample, I'… Read more The Fastest Way To Add A New Data Bar With Pyqtgraph

Corrupted Image Is Being Saved With Pil

I am having an issue whereby manipulating image pixels is causing a corrupted image to be saved... … Read more Corrupted Image Is Being Saved With Pil

How To Search Pattern In Big Binary Files Efficiently

I have several binary files, which are mostly bigger than 10GB. In this files, I want to find patte… Read more How To Search Pattern In Big Binary Files Efficiently

Why Does Pyserial For Python3k Return Bytes While Python2k Returns Strings?

I am attempting to port to python 3, so far i… Read more Why Does Pyserial For Python3k Return Bytes While Python2k Returns Strings?

Crcmod Python3 Polynomial Error

I need to use a crc checksum in a python3 program, but my knowledge of crc is virtually non-existen… Read more Crcmod Python3 Polynomial Error

How To Declare A 2 Dimensional Array With Different Row Lengths Using Np.array?

For example, I want a 2 row matrix, with a first row of length 1, and second row of length 2. I cou… Read more How To Declare A 2 Dimensional Array With Different Row Lengths Using Np.array?

Python Implemented In Assembly

Am just being curious but I would like to know whether python can be implemented in assembly and if… Read more Python Implemented In Assembly

How Can I Use Scipy Optimization To Find The Minimum Chi-squared For 3 Parameters And A List Of Data Points?

I have a histogram of sorted random numbers and a Gaussian overlay. The histogram represents observ… Read more How Can I Use Scipy Optimization To Find The Minimum Chi-squared For 3 Parameters And A List Of Data Points?

Implementing Minimization Method

I have a function in 2 variables x1,x2 f = 3*x1^2 + 4*x2^2 + 5*x1 + 6*x2 + 10 Consider x is a row v… Read more Implementing Minimization Method

Node.js: Sigint Sent From Process.kill() Can't Be Handled

I'm using Node.js v0.10.31 on Windows 8.1 x64. I noticed that for a process (a node.js or pytho… Read more Node.js: Sigint Sent From Process.kill() Can't Be Handled

How To Open Multiple Instances Of Firefox Using Python?

Can someone please help me on how to open multiple instances of firefox using selenium in python. I… Read more How To Open Multiple Instances Of Firefox Using Python?

Valueerror: Set_wakeup_fd Only Works In Main Thread On Windows On Python 3.8 With Django 3.0.2 Or Flask 2.0.0

When I run my Django Web application with Apache2.4.41 + Python 3.8.1 + Django 3.0.2 + MySQL 8.0.19… Read more Valueerror: Set_wakeup_fd Only Works In Main Thread On Windows On Python 3.8 With Django 3.0.2 Or Flask 2.0.0

Ttk.treeview - How To Change Selection Without Clicking First

I thought setting a row to be selected by default in ttk.Treeview would make it unnecessary to clic… Read more Ttk.treeview - How To Change Selection Without Clicking First

Python Detect Linux Shutdown And Run A Command Before Shutting Down

Is it possible to detect and interrupt linux (Ubuntu 16.04) shutdown signal (e.g. power button clic… Read more Python Detect Linux Shutdown And Run A Command Before Shutting Down

Self-defined Class Issue: Attributeerror: 'xx' Object Has No Attribute 'xx'

I am working on a self-defined class to solve the problem, which is pretty common format in leetcod… Read more Self-defined Class Issue: Attributeerror: 'xx' Object Has No Attribute 'xx'

Difference Between Enum And Intenum In Python

I came across a code that looked like this: class State(IntEnum): READY = 1 IN_PROGRESS = 2… Read more Difference Between Enum And Intenum In Python

No Add_to_collection Was Found When Using Tensorflowjs_converter

I am trying to convert a savedModel into TensorFlow.js web format. I installed tensorflowjs via sud… Read more No Add_to_collection Was Found When Using Tensorflowjs_converter

How To Read Text Copied From Web To Txt File Using Python

I'm learning how to read text files. I used this way: f=open('sample.txt') print(f.rea… Read more How To Read Text Copied From Web To Txt File Using Python

Matplotlib Correlation Matrix Heatmap With Grouped Colors As Labels

I have a correlation matrix hat I am trying to visualize with matplotlib. I can create a heatmap st… Read more Matplotlib Correlation Matrix Heatmap With Grouped Colors As Labels

Renaming Pandas Dataframe Indeces Using Index And Column Values

I have a dataframe df df Name 0 A 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 D 6 E 7 F 8 G 9 H How ca… Read more Renaming Pandas Dataframe Indeces Using Index And Column Values

(python) Using Threading To Look For Key Input With Getch

I've been trying to write a piece of test code which will continually print 'Running' u… Read more (python) Using Threading To Look For Key Input With Getch

Are There A Way To Use While Loop Function As A List Tracker? And Mix With Filei/o?

to_do_list = [] while True: in_listed = input('item list:') if in_listed == &#… Read more Are There A Way To Use While Loop Function As A List Tracker? And Mix With Filei/o?

How To Allow Anonymous Uploads To Cloud Storage

I need my users to upload files to my Google Cloud Storage without having to authenticate with Goog… Read more How To Allow Anonymous Uploads To Cloud Storage

Python Import Seems To Behave Differently In File

A bizarre import error is preventing me from installing a mercurial extension. I'm trying to ge… Read more Python Import Seems To Behave Differently In File

Can't Re-order Columns Data

I have dataframe not sequences. if I use len(df.columns), my data has 3586 columns. How to re-order… Read more Can't Re-order Columns Data