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Showing posts from May, 2024

Mnist Data Classification Not Working On Google Colab

I am trying to train the MNIST digit dataset using deep MLP on Google colab. I have reshaped the in… Read more Mnist Data Classification Not Working On Google Colab

Gui Freezes When Clicking A Button In Pygtk

I know this may be a recurring question, but I don't get the point in the other answers to that… Read more Gui Freezes When Clicking A Button In Pygtk

Plotly: Create Map Based On Geojson File

I've found a GeoJSON file containing all cities in The Netherlands. I'm now trying to plot … Read more Plotly: Create Map Based On Geojson File

Can I Store Strings In Python Array?

from array import * val=array('u',['thili','gfgfdg']) print(val) When I co… Read more Can I Store Strings In Python Array?

Is There A Limit To The Number Of Values That A Python Set Can Contain?

I am trying to use a python set as a filter for ids from a mysql table. The python set stores all t… Read more Is There A Limit To The Number Of Values That A Python Set Can Contain?

Transformer Model Not Able To Be Saved

I'm trying to follow this tutrial… Read more Transformer Model Not Able To Be Saved

Accessing Class Instance From Another Module (python)

I'm pretty new to Python as to OOP in general which is probably be the reason that I can't … Read more Accessing Class Instance From Another Module (python)

Why Are Explicit Calls To Magic Methods Slower Than "sugared" Syntax?

I was messing around with a small custom data object that needs to be hashable, comparable, and fas… Read more Why Are Explicit Calls To Magic Methods Slower Than "sugared" Syntax?

Multiple Exception Handlers For The Same Exception

I have a code for a function which is called inside another function.(Result of refactoring). So in… Read more Multiple Exception Handlers For The Same Exception

How To Reduce Png Image Filesize In Pil

I have used PIL to convert and resize jpg/bmt to png .. i can easily resize and convert to png but … Read more How To Reduce Png Image Filesize In Pil

Django Unique Together Constraint In Two Directions

So I have some models that look like this class Person(BaseModel): name = models.CharField(max_… Read more Django Unique Together Constraint In Two Directions

Eclipse Python Integration

I found this python plugin list but thought I'd ask if anyone has any experience with anything … Read more Eclipse Python Integration

Trouble Getting Result From Celery Queue

I have been playing with Celery on Windows 7. Right now, I am going through the Next Steps tutoria… Read more Trouble Getting Result From Celery Queue

Attempting To Add A Simple Image Into A Label

Using a Tkinter tutorial site -as supplied by school-, I attempted to add a simple Paint-drawn gif … Read more Attempting To Add A Simple Image Into A Label

Can I Construct A Numpy Object Zero-d Array From Its Value In A Single Expression?

These all work (ie, have .shape == ()): np.array(1, dtype=object) np.array('foo', dtype=obj… Read more Can I Construct A Numpy Object Zero-d Array From Its Value In A Single Expression?

Python Reading Specific Lines From Csv Using List Comprehension

Is it possible to make python read only chosen lines from a file? Let's say I've got a CSV … Read more Python Reading Specific Lines From Csv Using List Comprehension

Quickly Sampling Large Number Of Rows From Large Dataframes In Python

I have a very large dataframe (about 1.1M rows) and I am trying to sample it. I have a list of inde… Read more Quickly Sampling Large Number Of Rows From Large Dataframes In Python

Changing Absolute Path To Relative Paths Due To Web Deployment (python - Flask)

I've created an app that works locally and I would like to deploy it to Heroku. As I deploy it … Read more Changing Absolute Path To Relative Paths Due To Web Deployment (python - Flask)

Saleforce Retrieving Fields From Two Different Objects - (soql) Simple Salesforce Python

I am using simpleSalesforce library for python to query SalesForce. I am looking at two different o… Read more Saleforce Retrieving Fields From Two Different Objects - (soql) Simple Salesforce Python

Which $term To Use To Have Both 256 Colors And Mouse Move Events In Python Curses?

Currently if I set the TERM environment variable to 'xterm-1003' I can get mouse move event… Read more Which $term To Use To Have Both 256 Colors And Mouse Move Events In Python Curses?

Could Not Convert String To Float Error.

I would like to plot values onto the X and Y axis'. I do not want to put any data in the graph,… Read more Could Not Convert String To Float Error.

How To Url-safe Encode A String With Python? And Urllib.quote Is Wrong

Hello i was wondering if you know any other way to encode a string to a url-safe, because urllib.qu… Read more How To Url-safe Encode A String With Python? And Urllib.quote Is Wrong

Asyncio And Pyzmq - 'utf-8' Codec Can't Decode Byte 0xff In Position 0

I have a asyncio server, which is an example from the TCP Doc. However I'm connecting to it usi… Read more Asyncio And Pyzmq - 'utf-8' Codec Can't Decode Byte 0xff In Position 0

Finding Gappy Sublists Within A Larger List

Let's say I have a list like this: [['she', 'is', 'a', 'student&#… Read more Finding Gappy Sublists Within A Larger List

Why And When To Use Django Mark_safe() Function

After reading the document, the function of mark_safe() is still unclear. I guess it is related to … Read more Why And When To Use Django Mark_safe() Function

Staleelementreferenceexception On Firefoxwebelement.get_attribute Even After Webdriverwait

I am trying to get the inner text of a specific element on a website (which runs on React productio… Read more Staleelementreferenceexception On Firefoxwebelement.get_attribute Even After Webdriverwait

Python Automatically Ignore Unicode String

I've been searching to automatically import some files but since I'm on Windows i got the u… Read more Python Automatically Ignore Unicode String

Modulenotfounderror When Executing Python Program From Bash Script

I have a script which monitors a directory using inotify-tools. When a new file is added to the dir… Read more Modulenotfounderror When Executing Python Program From Bash Script

Printing A List To A Tkinter Text Widget

I have a list of strings, and I want to print those strings in a Tkinter text widget, but I can'… Read more Printing A List To A Tkinter Text Widget

How To Populate A Postgresql Database With Mrjob And Hadoop

I would like to populate a database of Postgresql by using a mapper with MrJob and Hadoop 2.7.1. I … Read more How To Populate A Postgresql Database With Mrjob And Hadoop

How Can I Dynamically Generate A Python Symbol Statement?

I am trying to write a routine that normalizes (rewrites) a mathematical equation that may have mor… Read more How Can I Dynamically Generate A Python Symbol Statement?

Django Messages Being Displayed Twice

I'm using Django's message framework, and I have a very odd problem where my messages are b… Read more Django Messages Being Displayed Twice

Pyusb: Why Are Bus.dirname And Dev.filename Empty String?

I am very new to using PyUSB. I have some USB devices connected to my machine and am trying to get… Read more Pyusb: Why Are Bus.dirname And Dev.filename Empty String?

Access Line By Line To A Numpy Structured Array

I am trying to access to a structured array line by line by iterating on the values of one field of… Read more Access Line By Line To A Numpy Structured Array

Identify Ids With Similar Address

I have a data in a csv file which basically has some IDs, their corresponding address and the match… Read more Identify Ids With Similar Address

Issue When Calling Libreoffice For Pdf Generation From Python Of Docx With Charts

using debian 9.5, python 3.5, libreoffice 5.2, x86_64 arch. I have a word file (docx) of 22 pages, … Read more Issue When Calling Libreoffice For Pdf Generation From Python Of Docx With Charts

Is It Possible To Call A Function From Within A List Comprehension Without The Overhead Of Calling The Function?

In this trivial example, I want to factor out the i < 5 condition of a list comprehension into i… Read more Is It Possible To Call A Function From Within A List Comprehension Without The Overhead Of Calling The Function?

Need Help In Adding Binary Numbers In Python

If I have 2 numbers in binary form as a string, and I want to add them I will do it digit by digit,… Read more Need Help In Adding Binary Numbers In Python

Filling Gaps On An Image Using Numpy And Scipy

The image (test.tif) is attached. The np.nan values are the whitest region. How to fill those white… Read more Filling Gaps On An Image Using Numpy And Scipy

Maven Build Error - Neo4j-embedded Python

I'm attempting to build the latest Embedded Neo4j Python bindings, cloned from https://github.… Read more Maven Build Error - Neo4j-embedded Python

I Encounter An Authenticationfailed Error When Connecting To Email With Imaplib Library

How can I connect to imaplib library without encountering AUTHENTICATIONFAILE error !? My Gmail inb… Read more I Encounter An Authenticationfailed Error When Connecting To Email With Imaplib Library

Convert List Of String Into List Of Url Using Python

I Have a list of string(which are actually URL) ['https://part.of.url/P2000-01.xls', '… Read more Convert List Of String Into List Of Url Using Python

Python Concordance Command In Nltk

I have a question regarding Python concordance command in NLTK. First, I came through an easy examp… Read more Python Concordance Command In Nltk

Can Not Convert 13 Digit Unix Timestamp In Python

Still new to this. I have tried to convert a 13 digit timestamp to something that you can read but … Read more Can Not Convert 13 Digit Unix Timestamp In Python

Removing Elements From A List Of A List

I have the data below, which is a list of lists. I would like to remove the last two elements from… Read more Removing Elements From A List Of A List

Raise The Power Of A Sparse Matrix

I have a sparse matrix of 10001 rows + 10001 columns (with many 0's), I am trying to raise the … Read more Raise The Power Of A Sparse Matrix

How Is The Alpha Value In Alpha-beta Pruning Algorithm Used And Updated?

I was looking at the post Strange behaviour in a function while implementing the alpha-beta pruning… Read more How Is The Alpha Value In Alpha-beta Pruning Algorithm Used And Updated?

Multiprocessing - Map Over List, Killing Processes That Stall Above Timeout Limit

I have a list of elements that I want to modify using multiprocessing. The issue is that for some p… Read more Multiprocessing - Map Over List, Killing Processes That Stall Above Timeout Limit

Defining Pandas Column Based On Combination Of Input Other Columns

I want to create a new column in my pandas dataframe based on values in already existing columns. T… Read more Defining Pandas Column Based On Combination Of Input Other Columns

Get Stanford Ner Result Through Nltk With Iob Format

i'm using nltk as interface for Stanford NER Tagger. I have question that are there any options… Read more Get Stanford Ner Result Through Nltk With Iob Format

Redirect Command Prompt Output To A Python Generated Window

Developed a script which builds a project using msbuild. I have GUI developed using wxpython which … Read more Redirect Command Prompt Output To A Python Generated Window

Requests-html Httpsconnectionpoolread Timed Out

Trying to send a request to here using requests-html. Here is my code: headers = {'User-agent&#… Read more Requests-html Httpsconnectionpoolread Timed Out

Exiting A Loop By Pressing A Escape Key

I am trying to exit a loop by pressing a escape key but my program doesn't work. Is there a way… Read more Exiting A Loop By Pressing A Escape Key

How To Loop Through A Set, While Removing Items From The Set In Python 3

Here is my situation: I have a list/set (doesn't matter which) of movieplayer objects that I wa… Read more How To Loop Through A Set, While Removing Items From The Set In Python 3

Parsing An Xml File For Unknown Elements Using Python Elementtree

I wish to extract all the tag names and their corresponding data from a multi-purpose xml file. The… Read more Parsing An Xml File For Unknown Elements Using Python Elementtree

Connecting To A Server Via Another Server Using Paramiko

I am trying to get into a server using Paramiko and then get into a router that's in the server… Read more Connecting To A Server Via Another Server Using Paramiko

How To Use Scapy To Determine Wireless Encryption Type?

I am doing a Security Research on Wireless networks which involves coding a small tool that scans f… Read more How To Use Scapy To Determine Wireless Encryption Type?

Why I Can't Predict With My Keras Lstm Model As I Want?

I created a LSTM model for stock price predicting. Thats my code : from tqdm import tqdm import num… Read more Why I Can't Predict With My Keras Lstm Model As I Want?

Python : Can't Solve Attributeerror - Object Has No Attribute Xxx

This is the python code that causes me problems : # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- class ObjectType2 (obje… Read more Python : Can't Solve Attributeerror - Object Has No Attribute Xxx